Chapter 7

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The Joyfish seems like the only one of its kind, explaining why it's existence is mostly unknown. I found it by accident.

Dipper paused, letting out a small hum. His pen rested on the paper, leaving a small spot of ink.

As far as I know, it lives in this one stream deep in the forest, beside the great oak trees.

It is spotted by its golden scales, but otherwise it is near impossible to find due to its fantastic speed in water.

Dipper let himself smile, slowly drawing the Joyfish in the centre of the page. He lightly shaded some of the areas and gave it a few labels.

When touched, it will give you a sense of calm and euphoria, hence its name. He wrote at the bottom. Dipper looked at the page proudly, smiling.

This was what it was like to be happy, to be at peace for him. He hadn't felt as relaxed since he came to Gravity Falls, whether it was fighting for his Grunkle's affection or trying to prove that he wasn't crazy.

Here, surrounded by woodland, he was invisible to the judging stares and raised eyebrows – he could just be himself for a few short moments.

I predict it to have a long lifespan as it is the only one of its species I've seen. It is completely harmless. He added with a flourish. He stared back down at the stream, seeing a flash of gold. With a small smile, he added scales to his drawing, making each one shine.

The activity helped take his mind off what had just happened, even though this was an assignment by the dream demon himself. He wasn't sure he made the right choice to learn from Bill – after all, this was the guy who tricks everyone.

"But he never made a deal. He didn't want to." Dipper muttered, voicing his thoughts. He sighed, running a hand down his face. "Is it possible that he just wants to help me?"

Bill had surprisingly been there for him at his lowest – not only that, but given him good advice. And now he was getting magic learnt for free, which Dipper was grateful for.

"Is it bad that I'm looking forward to this?" He asked himself, shutting the book. "Probably."

But he couldn't help the excitement buzzing through his bones, the curiosity burning in his heart. The silver pine tree was reflecting his face like a mirror, showing his small smile.

The smile quickly fell as he looked at the sky, noticing it darken. It was time to leave, but he wanted to stay for a while longer.

Dipper breathed in the forest air, closing his eyes and leaning back against the tree trunk. The water rushing past was like white noise, shutting him out.

After a while, Dipper admitted defeat and stood up, stretching. He safely tucked the book in his vest and pulled on his hat. From there he slowly made the walk back to the Mystery Shack.

Dipper briefly hesitated before opening the door with a squeak, stepping inside silently. The door swung shut behind him and be crept upstairs, pressing the book against his chest. He needed to hide the book before anyone asked questions, especially Ford.

"Where have you been, Dipper?"

Dipper froze, groaning internally at the sound of Ford himself talking. He turned his head, seeing the author at the bottom of the stairs. His eyes were staring suspiciously at him, eyebrows furrowed.

"Out." Dipper replied shortly. His voice didn't shake with nervousness this time at the lie.

"Out where?" Ford pressed, beginning to climb the stairs. Dipper took another step up.

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