Fly • OBX

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1713 word count
(Whenever I put OBX it doesn't necessarily go into a certain person ship imagine)

Y/n's P.O.V

I was John B's little sister. I was only one year younger but he was extremely over protective. He never let me handle myself which I hated.

I wanted to go on my own and expand my wings. I wanted to fly.

But John B made that hard for me. "I'm gonna go to get some food" I tell John B grabbing the keys to the van. "Yeah for sure we will come with you" He adds as they all get up. I roll my eyes and say, "I'm a big girl John B I can go alone" I tell him.

"Whatever we are still going" He says. I walk out and start the car waiting for everyone to get in. "I'll drive" he tells me. "No John-" "I'm driving" He said raising his voice a little.

"Fine" I said throwing the keys at his chest. Ever since our Dad died he had been treating me like a five year old. I'm tired of it.

"We're here" He says stopping in front of the wreck. We all get off and get a table. The whole group was laughing and talking but I didn't throw myself in the conversation.

I was upset at the fact that he wouldn't let me do anything alone. "I need a straw" I said getting up and going to the front.

"Hey could I get a straw?" I ask smiling at a boy who seemed to work there. "Yeah yeah" he asks passing me one. I was about to walk away when I heard, "Uhm could I maybe get your number?" I heard the boy ask.

"Yea" I smiled as he passed me his phone. "Text me" I said before walking away giggling.

"Did you get that straw?" JJ asks. I just nodded not being able to hold back a smile. They all look at me confused before continuing their conversation.

By the time I got home I got a text from the boy who worked there.

Hey my shift ended early, wanna get some ice cream:))) I'm Grant btw

I'm Y/n and sure i'll meet you there in 10 xx

"Hey i'm gonna go on a date" I said walking out of my room. "No you're not" John B tells me. "You sir aren't allowed to make that decision" I say pointing a finger at his face.

"Come on John B let her live" Kiara says standing up for me. "Alone?" He asks. "With a boy" I tell him. "Be back by 10pm sweetheart" JJ tells me.

"Yes sir" I tell him giving him a solider salute. "Fine fine" John B says. "I'll take the bike" I say quickly leaving before he changed his mind.

I can't believe he actually let me go. Maybe he is letting me become my own person.....The thought itself made me smile.

John B's P.O.V

I waited a bit before getting up. "Let's go" I tell them. "Where?" Kie asked confused. "We are following her, duh" I tell her. "John B just let her do this alone" JJ tells me playing with a lighter.

"No I don't trust whoever the guy is let's go now" I say walking out of the house. "JB I don't think this is a good idea" Kiara said before following me out of the house.

Y/n's P.O.V

"Hey" I said hugging Grant. "Hi" he responded smiling. "What would you like?" he asks referring to the icecream. "Chocolate please, i'll get us a table" I tell him before I go sit down.

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