Just friends... • Rafe(1)

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1347 word count
(I put where to play the song)

Y/n's P.O.V

I stared at him from across the room. He was laughing with his friends having the time of his life.
The closer he gets the faster my heart beats.

"Let's dance" he said grabbing my hand. Rafe was my bestfriend for as long as I could remember. We were neighbors we always have been.

I took his hand as he spun me around and we laughed. Lately I found myself thinking of him a different way than I usually do.

Butterflies would erupt when he said my name and I would find myself stuttering when I tried saying something to him.

This was unknown territory to me. I never thought of Rafe like this until recently. He turned me so we were face to face. I looked down to his lips, then back to his eyes.

Before I had time to process it, his lips were on mine. Moving in sync as if they were made for each other. I smiled into the kiss making him chuckle.

We continued to dance to the beat of the music. No words needed to be exchanged. " I'm going to get a drink" I said pulling away from him as I went to the kitchen and grabbed a lemonade.

I didn't want to drink tonight. I wanted to remember tonight.

I saw him dancing and I giggled at the sight.

I loved him. We were nothing more than friends but I was hoping the kiss that happened tonight would change that.

It was so sudden, I was surprised he had the confidence.

I wasn't going to let anything ruin it. My phone started ringing and I looked down to see my dad's contact name.

"Hello" I said answering. "Y/n it's getting late you should start coming home" he tells me before I hear the line end.

I was going to say bye to him but I didn't want to interrupt him having fun so I just left. I left smiling.

I couldn't wait for the events to happen tomorrow. I went to bed turning off my phone lying down in the soft covers.

I woke up to the sound of my mom calling me for breakfast. I got changed and headed down to eat.

"What's gotten you in such a good mood today honey" My mom asks me. "Oh nothing" I said grabbing a plate and filling it with the food she made.

"Hey y/m/n" Sarah said walking in. "Hey Sarah" my mom said smiling. Sarah was my best friend not surprising considering they lived next door. My mom and Sarah were close meaning Sarah was allowed to call her by her first name which I found funny.

"Can I steal your daughter for a boat ride?" Sarah asks my mom stealing food from my plate as I hit her hand moving it away. "As long as you bring her back in one piece" My mom said winking.

We both ran upstairs. I got into my room and began to get things I needed. "So I saw you kiss my brother yesterday" Sarah starts. "You know i've had the biggest crush on him" I say looking at her trying to decide between two bathing suits.

She points to the black bikini telling me I'll look hotter and I just giggle. "I know and I'm happy for you but then again It's Rafe just be careful" She says letting out a sigh.

I changed and put on a sun dress over and grabbed some sunglasses.

"Got the drinks and stuff" I ask her before we leave. "Yes ma'am" She says as we head off to the dock.

"Hey" I say as Topper sticks out his hand for Sarah and Rafe sticks out his hand for me.

"Afternoon ladies" Rafe says.

I didn't want to bring up the kiss yet since we just got there. We stopped at a good place. Topper handed me a lemonade while the rest grabbed a beer or soda.

Topper knew I didn't day drink so never offered which I was glad about. "Wanna go for a swim?" Sarah said taking her clothes off.

I nod taking my sun dress off and putting my drink down. "Looking good" Rafe says smiling as I stand at the front. "Shut up" I say giggling.

We all jump in and splash around for a bit. Rafe and I splashed eachother for what felt like forever. I decided to get back on as I got tired from swimming.

*play the song*

"Hey y/n" Rafe says as he gets back on the boat. I stare for a bit before saying "hey". 

"We should start heading back it looks like it's gonna rain" Topper says as everyone hops back on the boat.

We all nod as he starts going back. Rafe sits next to me as we saw the clouds rolling in. "Today was fun" he said looking at me.

"It was" I smiled back at him.

Once we got off it was already raining. Topper and Sarah separated from Rafe and I. Sarah gave me a knowing look telling me to talk to him before she left.

As we walked I stopped in the middle of the road. "Rafe we need to talk" I tell him. "About?" he asked confused.

I looked around to see nothing but emptiness surrounding us. The rain falling harder and harder.

"The kiss" I told him smiling. My smile started to fade once I saw the look on his face.

"What?" I ask. "Y/n were just friends" he told me sternly. "but-" "I was drunk y/n I didn't know what I was doing" he states.

I could feel my tears falling down my cheek mixing with the the rain droplets. I was soaked. I was embarrassed I wanted to run.

What was I thinking Rafe would never like me.

"You can't do this" I say looking away. "Do what?" he asks. "You can't just kiss or constantly flirt with someone Rafe and then expect to just be friends after" "i-" "No you messed with my feelings! Goddammit Rafe I like you so so much! You can't just kiss me and..and" I covered my face with my hands.

I should have listened to Sarah. Rafe doesn't do feelings. "You're like a sister to me y/n! I can't ever lose you and by being together-" "Why did you kiss me?!? We can't go back to how we were after this...I can't..." I tell him looking down.

I run my hands threw my hair as the rain fell adding to the mood that was already between us. "I'm going home" I said looking out into the distance.

"I'll walk you we live.." "No I'm fine" I said before running off leaving him standing there.

Rafe's P.O.V

"Fuck" I yelled running my hands through my hair as I just stared at her figure now disappearing as she ran off into the distance.

Y/n's P.O.V

I ran and I ran as the rain hit the pavement. Once I got home it hit me. I ran to the restroom stripping my clothes and changing into dry ones.

I let the tears soak my pillow as my mind replayed the moment in my head. I heard a knock on my window. I turned to see Sarah.

I opened it letting her in. "Say it" I said wiping my face. "what?" "Say I told you so" I said plopping on the bed.

"Y/n it's okay.." she said sitting next to me. "He doesn't deserve you. If he is stupid enough not to realize the amazing person you are......then you don't need him" she reassured me pulling me in.

I nod into her shoulder finally calming down.

Sometimes maybe two people are better off as friends even if it means one has to get hurt.

If you want a part two lmk cause I had an idea for one but I don't know if I should do it haha. Hope you liked it:)) comment and vote love you byeeee💕

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