Cold Turkey- Priyanka

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He didn't wait up, but did anyone really expect him too? Priyanka had made her  way up to Daada's flat after leaving the Grovers flat having seen all the BLA's out so that Jaya and her Maasi could have some alone time. 

Jaya had seemed so lonely during the birth of her children and then her heart surgery and though she knew she was grateful for Kabir and her's support it wasn't the same as being supported by the ones you expected to be there for you. She knew the pain of that type of disappointment all too well and would protect Jaya from it the best she could. 

The BLA's enthusiasm for coordinating Jaya's Maasi arrival in India and the family reunion was so endearing. These Aunties could be annoying, but they also genuinely cared for the well-being of the people in their community. 

Daada was still with Mrs. Reddy for the time-being and she had told me she would bring him up after they had dinner together giving her some time deal with the problem she had put off for so long. 

Kabir Singh. 

A surprisingly decent neighbour and Bhai to Jaya but also a substance abuser who performed high risk surgeries on a regular basis.

It's exactly like that saying ' those who seek the truth, seek trouble' and that's exactly what she had found prying into Dr. Kabir Singh's business. The information she now held on him didn't just provide insight into who he was but left her in a moral quandary.

How the hell was she supposed to go to sleep at night knowing that there was a definite possibility my neighbour could harm, or even kill,someone on the operating table because of his substance abuse? Would she have to report this to the authorities? Could she do that to Kabir, knowing how much it cost him to tell her the truth? 

All she knew was that she believed him when he said he had never compromised any of his patients with his substance abuse. How long it would remain that way, was anyone's guess. 

He trust me she thought to herself. She had this bomb on him and he hadn't even tried to harm or blackmail in anyway as of yet. Given his temperamental attitude that was a definite plus. 

Oh my goodness! She wondered if he knew she was a journalist? Having this information on him would make him infinitely more volatile if he found out her occupation the wrong way, he barely considered them friends as is. 

 Shaking her she tried to calm myself down. She had to rip the band-aid off and go deal with the bed she had made myself.  She didn't ask for the responsibility of having this knowledge but having stuck her nose where it didn't belong, it was time to reap what she had inadvertently sowed. 

She picked  up the white hospital pharmacy bag from the floor and stormed across the hall not pausing before she brashfully knocked on the door across the hall.

"KABIR! I know you're in there we need to talk" she screamed at the door, her courage beginning to slip away. She should have had a drink before deciding to confront him today. 

But there was no chance to slip away because the door opened and there he was standing in front of her with just a towel around his waist. She quickly turned around to cover my embarrassment but had had enough time to take in the wet hair, angry face, and tensed muscles that greeted me at the door.

"What the hell do you want? We just saw each other?" 

"Yes we did and I know you're purposefully forgetting that I told you we needed to talk. It's important" she said still not facing him. 

She felt a slight breeze behind her and whipped around realizing he was trying to close the door on her. 

"Not so fast" Her hand slammed on the closing door and shoved the white bag into his bare chest with the other, ignoring the feeling of his warm body on the skin underneath it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2021 ⏰

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