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He made a promise to her that night. And so he became her crying shoulder, her adviser, and her best friend. But as they got closer--as their bond got tighter, his growing emotions led him astray from his ethereal purpose. Tardiness in his duty turned almost a habit.


Old Rafie, their rank leader, summoned him in his office one day. The crystal door slid open for Old Tim. As he entered the wide semi-circle silver room, he saw Old Rafie sitting behind the silver desk. Old Tim bowed his head and stepped forward but was hesitant to move even closer as he recognized the lantern on the desk, though it had no light this time.

"No human objects could reach the Time Tower unless one of us brought it here," Old Rafie began. "I could sense your spirit from this lantern, Old Tim. Explain to me how this object reached the tower."

"I... saw a blinking light under the clouds while I was watching the Guardians of Weather," he started. "Out of curiosity, I flew toward it and found a beautiful lantern. I thought it wasn't good to let the rain ruin it, so I brought it above the clouds."

"You touched it?"

"Yes, I did."

There was a moment of silence.

"I examined this lantern," Old Rafie broke. "It is filled with strong emotions, and that easily penetrated your heart because you let it through." He shook his head. "This never happened before. I can't explain how this could be. But I'm sure, you're beginning to experience different emotions now like the mortals."

Old Tim avoided Old Rafie's stare.

"Guardians have no right to interfere in any human affairs or problems or issues--they are out of our sacred duty. I believe you know that from the start."

Old Tim nodded hesitantly.

"Guardians have limited emotions because it might lead to temptation that could distract us from our duty. If you won't refrain from seeing your human friend, your feelings will go even deeper--the more you help her, the more you make everything complicated for both of you. I'm afraid that the result might give me no choice but to isolate you from our rank."

Old Tim shook his head. "You can't do that to me, Old Rafie."

"Once you cut the connection with her, only then you can return to your old self. Only then you can fully revive your devotion to your duty. So, be wise, Old Tim. Your choice is your destiny."

Old Rafie waved his hand. The lantern on the desk emblazoned, popping out different scenes. First, it was when Lexi was crying in the rain at the picnic grove. Old Tim remembered it was the first time he saw her, the day he took the sky lantern. But only now he noticed the young man--wearing a rain-soaked, blue jacket and denim jeans--standing a meter away behind Lexi. The man's charming, dark eyes looked hurt while watching her. The scene shifted to Matthew's birthday party. Lexi was standing by the railings on the terrace, right before Old Tim found her. But she wasn't really alone there because the same man, who was also at the picnic grove, was hiding in darkness on one corner of the terrace. The man sighed and composed himself, getting ready to approach Lexi, but he discontinued his steps when Old Tim came. The scene shifted again to another one. Lexi's feet were getting near the roof-edge. From the neighbors' porch, that young man was playing a guitar. When he noticed Lexi on the roof, he was alarmed; the guitar fell broken on the ground as he rushed toward the fence--the barrier between their yards. He climbed and jumped over it. And when he reached the neighbors' ground, he saw Lexi falling from the roof. He dashed and tried to catch her--but she disappeared from his sight! His forehead wrinkled, and his thin lips slightly opened. He squeezed his eyes, shaking his head many times. Then he looked around him, combing his short, cropped-cut, black hair with his fingers. "Boy, am I just hallucinating?" he whispered.

The lantern returned to its normal state as the scenes ended. Old Tim was speechless.

"I think you understand now. The part you are trying to play in her life isn't really your role," Old Rafie explained. "Guardians and mortals have separate worlds. We're created for different purposes."

Old Tim and the Sky Lantern [English - Short Story]Where stories live. Discover now