twenty eight

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She landed in a beach.

The beach that her and Keefe had flew over when they were just meeting Forkle.

The waves lapped against the sand and the sun was still slipping below the water. She nestled herself up in the sand, leaning against a rock so she could face the sunset.

She could practically imagine Keefe's voice. His blonde hair and beautiful ice blue eyes, and how he'd stand there, smirking, and saying, "Cheer up Foster! I would think The Hair was enough to put a smile on your face!"

And then he would curl up beside her and wrap his arms around her chest and hold her there like he was never going to let go...

Sophie squeezed her eyes shut, making more tears trickle down her cheeks as she tried to shut out the heartbreaking images.

But the world was too cold and big for her to face this alone...

So she imagined that Keefe Sencen was sitting beside her, laughing and joking as she unfolded the next letter.

Her heart splintered in two as she saw his loopy handwriting on the pages.

Dear Foster,

LOVE LETTERS, kotlcWhere stories live. Discover now