forty two

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Sophie couldn't take it anymore.

Letters scattered across the sand, drifting away in the breeze. She wished she could drift away too, off to oblivion. 

But only if Keefe was in that oblivion too.

She'd never get to tell him that she'd loved him. Never got to tell him that she wasnt mad at him anymore. She'd never even get to hear him call her Foster.

She squeezed her eyes shut, feeling more tears trickle down her cheeks.

"Don't think you can hide these from me Foster," he'd said, the last time she'd cried like that- and he was there.

Sophie knew she needed to pull herself together. But how was she supposed to get herself together if it wasn't Keefe she was doing it for?

"One last letter," Sophie whispered. 

She grabbed a piece of blank paper and began writing.

LOVE LETTERS, kotlcWhere stories live. Discover now