His Return

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December 24, 1883
Tondo, Manila

Dawn came, and the residents put up their windows, starting their morning routine. Children played outside while their mothers sweep the streets or wash their clothes near the river. On the riverbank, several maidens saw a gorgeous youth that seems to be sleeping on the water. They woke him up, and they were entranced by his beauty.

"Jesus Christ! It's Ambrosio Marquez, the handsome fisherman!"

"What is he doing here?"

"He was probably washed away by the sea."

"Poor lad, let's help him."

The women brought him to a near cottage clinic run by the local nuns. He woke up, and everything seemed to surprise him. He looked around his surroundings and even slapped himself as if he is trying to wake up from a dream.

"Goodness, he must have hit his head somewhere." A girl from the crowd commented.

"Stop that my boy, did you overwork yourself in the market again?" The nun asked him.

"No, it's not that... I just couldn't believe this," Ambrosio replied.

"You're just tired, have some sleep, then go home."

"Yes ma'am..."

"Go back to the river ladies, or your mothers will scold you for not finishing your chores!" A nun scoffed.

The group of women went back while chattering about the fisherman. They giggled and pushed each other while blushing. 

Ambrosio was baffled, but he smiled and slept peacefully.

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