Chapter 3:😊

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Taehyung's POV:

That day, after we got home. He left again to go to his work. No matter how I fake a smile. I know. Inside, my heart was thorn apart. When he closes the door, my tears began to fall down. It's like the raindrops, pouring down my face without stopping. I can feel how hot my tears are. And as it pours down, I can taste it's bitterness.

Why?! How can you do this to me? How can you just break up with me that easily? Are you really in love with that woman?  How can you throw away our 7 years that fast?!

Those are the questions I wanted to shout into his face. But, I just can't. I can't do it, because I was full of pain and fears. Fear that the same answer that I expect from him, will be uttered. And I can't live with it.

That's right. 2 weeks is enough for me to forget everything and let go of him. He'll never be happy with a man like me. A blind man. And. I want him to be happy, to see the brighter world. Even if, it means that I wouldn't be by his side anymore. I accept it. We were never meant for each other. He came into my life, stolen my heart but never returned it to me. And that's how our story is written. Like Romeo and Juliet. We were in a tragic story. We couldn't end up together happily. Because he's like the sun and I'm the moon. It's enough for me, to know that he exist somewhere even if I didn't get to see it.

Then I heard the entrance door opened. Is he back? Or he just forgot something? Well, it's already night. I went to walk practically, to open the door in our shared room for him to enter. But, I was met with cold air. Isn't it him? And then, as I walk to close the entrance door trying to count my steps I heard giggles from the guest room. Slowly, I found my way there. I stood at the door outside the guest room, frozen as I heard the giggles going louder.

I couldn't move that moment. I felt my body frozen like an ice because of the emotions rising up. I shot my eyes closed, and I felt my knees going weaker. I realized that, the only thing supporting me is the wall.

The giggles disappeared. I thought it was the end then, but soon enough. I heard moans. Moans and shouts.

My tears are pouring down my face now. I felt like, my heart is being stabbed million times. I couldn't see anything, and it's so stupid. I can't do anything. I am helpless. And I feel my heart, dying every seconds. I couldn't take it anymore. Without a word, I went to my room and locked up the door.

Why? Why did I ask him to be with me for another 2 weeks? I know, it would only get into worse. Then, why did I ask something like that,when I know better that he's not mine anymore? Coz his heart is not beating for me anymore. And that, he's eyes doesn't see me anymore as the definition of love. Am I really suiciding? I should have just let him go without being hurt so much. But there's no way, I'm not going to be hurt. Either way,I'll be hurt. Either way, my heart will still die. So maybe, I'll just have to be selfish and emotionless. This time,I should enjoy the remaining times. Before I could finally let him go. That's right. I'll let him go, and never see him again.

"You're here."- I said while eating pretending not to know his presence before.

"Y-yeah..."-he awkwardly answered. " I just got home. I overslept at the office. Anyway, what's the plan today?"-he asked with his cold voice.

"I... Uh... I want to go visit the Bangtan High School."- I said out loud.

I hear him sighing. Before taking the seat next to me.

"Why though? Do you want to be a high school student again?"-he said mockingly.

"Yeah, sure Jeon Jungkook.* It hurts me. Don't you really understand why, I want to go back there?* And please, don't mocked me. I knew you very well."- I said sounding like I am not backing off your challenge.

"Okay. Fine. I'll just change my suit. "-he said while entering our shared room.

"Take your time. And, remember it's not our date so don't try to look like one."- I said out loud, enough for him to burst into  sarcastic laugh.

Yes. That's right. It's not a date. It's a break up steps. That's right. I made up my mind already. We're going to those places which are memorable with us, back then. Or, those places that is memorable for. Every special place where we had gone to, together. Step by step, I'll erase it on my mind.

"Are you ready?"--he asked startling me.

"Uh... Y-yeah. You?"-- I returned the question.

"Well. I'm ready. You should be thankful that I'm giving you my time right now"-he said while guiding me out of the house to his car.

"I know. I'm thankful for that... Umm. Okay, let's go."- I said trying to hide the pain in my heart.

It hurts so much. Going to the same place, where you felt love. And now, you're going there not because of love but because of break up. Because you have to let go of the love. The love you first fell from the same place. Same place, where you have to do the first step to let go and move on.

I feel alone and sad...
But yeah, I'll continue on writing this. Tnx

Resignation(Vkook Fanfiction Completed) @Joell95Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon