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-"You will forever be my always."-


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The next day...

"We have a mole," Blade reverberated as he stared at the bloody arena. His level of anger matched Luca's and so did Oscar, Matteo, and Antonio. Matteo and Antonio thought of her as a sister and wanted to protect and be there for her like brothers should be.

"We have to question everyone at the base," Oscar stated. They already knew it was going to be a grueling process that'll leave most of the members shaken. At least some of the members had to have known what was happening tonight.

What did they want? And who were they working for? Why would they go against the King? The only person to take care of their families and make them well-off. The person who destroyed poverty and got rid of corruption.

It was all getting confusing.

"I already have a few people in mind," Luca muttered in a low tone.

It was safe to say that they were all beyond livid...but also scared...

This was the first time something like this happened to them. It had to take a lot of time, effort, and power to plan this big of an attack on her and only her. This just wasn't a mediocre or small hit. No, this was part of a whole plan of an organization to make them weak.

And it worked.

They were just targeting her, but why?

Why not go after Blade -the left hand- or Ida, Oscar, and Starr?

This was planned for months just like the ambush that shot her in the heart in the first place. Something big was coming, and it was coming faster than they thought.

And it was coming for her.


He walked into her office quietly, making sure not to cause too much of a commotion. Everyone went home for the night and it was just him and her at the base.

He saw her sitting on her couch with her body leaned forward, elbows on her knees, and hands laced together.

She looked up at him with dull eyes. She was still shaken up from yesterday and he didn't blame her.

Someone had re-branded her. Cut into her back while other people held her still...and used a knife to rewrite "Momento Mori" into her...just as the King had done ten years ago. It was almost as if the attackers wanted her to know that she would die soon. "Remember that you will die". That's what it meant. They wanted her to remember that she will die.

He sat down next to her and kissed her temple, and put his hand on her thigh, squeezing it reassuringly.

"This has to stop," she breathed. He hated seeing her like this. Overwhelmed and feeling like she had to carry the world on her shoulders.

But she did.

She did have to carry the world on her shoulders...and there was nothing he could do.

"We'll figure it out," he mumbled, feeling helpless to try and comfort her. She shook her head and got up from the couch and ran a hand through her raven locks. Her eyes started to tear up again and he felt his gut sink.

"I don't mean the ambush or the attack...I mean...us," she gulped.

His head shot up and his pupil shrunk, leaving his eyes void of any emotions. His whole body went rigid, making every muscle bulge.

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