~Dead Roses~

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-"I felt so much that I started to feel nothing ."-


He flipped the medallions over, examining them and remembering how cold to the touch they were. Flipping it over, the initial 'A.K' was engraved into the backs of the gold plates just as he remembered.

He handed the gold jewelry to the triplets, knowing it was rightfully theirs.

He looked at the three brothers again.

His Diavola's brothers.

The same blood ran in their veins. The same dimples and scowls. He was less than a foot away from her siblings and he had no idea what to do.

How the fuck was he supposed to tell everyone what he knew?

How in the world was he supposed to tell them that Midnight is Aria and that she is the King and she faked her death? That she was probably laughing at them from a beach in Australia right now.

Where would he even start?

God, he just wanted to hold her.

Fuck, he wanted to hold her so bad.

He just wanted her. Here. With him.

But where was she?

He didn't even realize that his jaw had been clenched so tight when he relaxed and found his mouth sore.

"We should go to her office. Maybe we could find something that could help us," Thea suggested. They all nodded, deciding to start there before they made any more serious decisions.

Getting into the car, he began to drive to the base.

She was alive.

He was angry at her now. The relief and joy had now turned into anger.

How could she just leave and not tell him anything? She left him almost damn near suicidal because of her "death". She left him heartbroken and grief-stricken. It even hurt to breathe from all the tears he had shed.

But she had reunited him with Leia -Katrina. She had taken a risk so that they could live in peace for the rest of their lives. She had given them the chance to kill Alexei and start a chain reaction that would result in their happiness.

Still, he was angry at her.

She was going to get the scolding of her life when he saw her again.

He closed the car door, the guards recognizing him and his deadly scowl that had graced his face just like before he had met her.

He stalked into the elevator, pressing the floor that led to her office. Everyone else was close behind as they just walked into the building.

He waited behind the office doors for them. He didn't want to be in there alone. No one had been in her office since her "death".

This was the first time they stepped foot into it since the last time she called them in. Which was well over a month ago.

As the elevator door dinged, everyone stepped out of it and nodded to Luca to open the doors. He did just that as he pushed open the double doors.

Her perfume still lingered.

Though stale, it was still clear.

They looked at the velvet chair and around it, taking in the view of the room that was normally neat, proper, and never messy. Her office usually looked quite intimidating and dark.

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