part 17

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  Zaini who had no idea that where she was taken cause kidnappers covered her eyes with a blind fold and tied her hands.
After few minutes
Kidnappers reached to their hideout they removed blindfold and made zaini to sit on chair.
Zaini opened her eyes and saw many black suit men all standing still and a man was sitting in front of him who was looking like that he was the boss of that kidnapping group.

Zaini = " why am I here who are you guys. What do you want. Let me go or else this will not be good for you guys. You don't know who I am. My father can make you pay hard for what you did today. " she said like a robot

kidnapper=" We cannot let you go boss got plans for you"

Zaini=" What you got a boss and I thought you are the boss. Well its ok one day you will be the boss too. But remember never lose hope everything will be fine just look at me I don't give a f**k to anything and everything gets well."

Kidnapper = " you speak to much girl just keep quiet or I'm gonna shoot you"

Zaini= " No you guys cannot shoot me without any solid reason. You have to tell me why am I here. What did I ever do to you. I am just a frail girl who depends upon her father. I don't even have money to give you. You have to call my dad for money." Zaini said while fake crying.

Kidnapper= " It has nothing to do with money "

Zaini = " What ??? Than let me go a**hole. " yelling at him.

Kidnapper = " someone please cover her mouth she is annoying me. I don't want to lose my mind and kill her.

Someone from his men came with a tape in his hands and he covered zaini's mouth she struggled but failed.

Now she was sitting hopelessly and she saw that man with who she was arguing was talking on his phone
Kidnapper = " Sir we got her any further orders for her"

On the other side of phone

???= " Not now first let uncle made his decision than I'll tell you until than keep her there make sure she won't get hurt or else you know what will happen."

Kidnapper =" Don't worry sir nothing will happen. "

He was talking  on phone when the door smashed open and his men who was guarding the door fell on the floor all of them in bad condition.
And he saw a young man entering the room by dusting off his clothes
And that man was no other than Kim Taehyung

Taehyung was getting out of building when he saw zaini being kidnapped.
He rushed to his car and followed the car zaini was kidnapped in.

Zaini saw him and she got stunned because he was looking damn hot at that point.
And she was taken a back when a man ran towards him to punch him.
But in a minute that man was on the floor.
Her eyes grew wider she tried to say something to him but her mouth was covered and two more men run to him.
None of them was able to touch him and Taehyung beat them well that they were unable to get up for another round.
Zaini was starring at him that how professionally he was beating their a**
When they had nothing left they pulled out their guns
They begin to shot at him

Zaini  POV
I was watching Taehyung beating them when others pulled their guns out.
I was shocked I was thinking now what will happen if anything wrong happen with him I would never be able to forgive my self he came here to save me and if he die saving me how I'm going to face my self .
I was in my thoughts when firing started and I got stunned to see that not even a single bullet hit him he dodged every f***ing bullet. Every one in the room except Taehyung was shocked
Taehyung beat them all and he came to me and he open my arms removed tape from my mouth.
And everyone included the kidnappers boss was on the floor
Taehyung grabbed my hand and he took me to his car and he drove to my house.
I had thousands of thoughts in my mind thousands of questions that I wanted to ask.
After few minutes I reached in front of my house and Taehyung brought me straight to my house.

He said
" Don't think much about today. What happened today will not happen ever again ill make those stupid people to pay."

I wanted to ask something from him and I moved my face in his direction when he smashed his lips on my and he kissed me.
Now I had another question in my mind why he did this.
He pulled his self away since in shock I didn't response his kiss.

Taehyung=" I was leaving the building when I saw car stopped in front of you and kidnapped you I followed the car and came to that place. "

I felt like he just read my mind after kissing me I was supposed to be happy on his kiss and should be thankful to him for saving my life but I was confused.
I stepped out of the car by saying "thank you"
And he waited there until I entered my house and than he drove away.
No Normal man can dodge bullets
No vampires doesn't exist.
And I slept having thousands thoughts in my mind.

At kidnapping site

Kidnapper ( on phone)
" Sir I am soo soo sorry but that girl has been saved"

???=" what!!! And what were you doing I gave you a small job and you messed that up."

Kidnapper=" Sorry sir but he saved her"

???=" Who?"

Kidnapper was going to tell when his phone was snatched away

  ' It was me Kim Taehyung"

Taehyung who after dropping zaini straight came here

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Taehyung who after dropping zaini straight came here.

??? " ooo it you Kim Taehyung"
thanks for giving me a nice response hope you guy's enjoying it and I told you it will get interesting as it proceeds.
Ignore my mistake and love it
See you again.

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