Chapter 46: Finals I: Lu Liang

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“The team have only one goal, and that’s victory…”

Team Happy aiming to claim the victory against Excellent Era had been the biggest joke of the year. No one believed that they could really do it. What Spring Night? She might be skilled but she still hadn’t experience the ferociousness of the competition in the Alliance. And God Ye? Hadn’t he already passed his prime? Well, Excellent Era had three top-tier players in their prime and their other members weren’t also noobs like Team Happy’s other members. Even the rookie Qiu Fei could easily defeat any of them. Not to mention that their characters were all superior in the first place. Didn’t Ye Xiu realized that? So what was Team Happy compared to Excellent Era?

However, in their first match, Team Happy had greatly given everyone a shock.

It was when Team Happy’s characters first stepped on the stage that the world believed the little possibility of them defeating Excellent Era.

Silver Equipment!

Their characters were actually cladded with silver equipment far surpassing the average count of silver equipment per character in the Alliance.

Not to mention some of their weapons!

Silver equipment production was definitely not easy and Team Happy might not have any other Godly character except for Spring Night that had long since had her complete set of silver equipment, but some of their weapons could be really taken note of.

Soft Mist’s battle lance, Dancing Fire Flowing Flame.

Windward Formation’s scepter, Death’s Hand.

Autumn Moonlight’s scythe, Abyssal Doom.

Spring Night’s magic staff, Light Frost Bloom.

Lord Grim’s hybrid weapon, Myriad Manifestation Umbrella.

GLORY experts could easily estimate the stats of these weapons by analyzing the results of its attacks and they had all confirmed its high quality. These weapons were all top-tier! Even Death’s Hand could be considered superior to Swoksaar’s Curse of Destruction. This result had left the mouths open of even those in the Alliance.

There were even some clubs who started investigating the talents behind these weapons. Team Happy had silver weapons, but they were still a grass root team. Even the surveys showed that no one expected them to win. Since these clubs weren’t positive with Team Happy’s future, they all think of the team as a store that had yet to open and were shamelessly doing a preorder.

“There are actually people interested with our R&D?” Li Chunhua sighed.

She clearly knew the value of these talents. Even she, who was also a talent felt ashamed to be compared with them. Throughout the process of making their silver equipment, disregarding her past blueprints for Spring Night, only one was her masterpiece and it was even a simple cigarette for Lord Grim that could inflict a debuff passive skill.

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