Chapter - 7: Damage Control

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'You have played your cards Ms. Mehra, now it's my turn. You are going to face the real Sanskar now. I wished, we could have shared something else than this rivalry, but you proved that we were, and we are rivals only nothing more than that. Now you need to face my rivalry. Till now I was playing from back front but it's my time to accelerate and outshine you Ms. Mehra, because of you my reputation is at stake. But before that I need to come up with damage control. This news had raised everybody's head. The people who used to bow their heads in front of me are now questioning me. I need to shut their mouths, I need to gain back trust of board, shareholders and investors else they will not vote for me as CEO in upcoming AGM. And I cannot let anyone to rule over Maheshwari's Legacy, it will always remain within our family. I will do whatever it takes.' Sanskar's mind was running in all direction.

Sanskar looked upwards at the moon and starry sky, her melodious laughing sound ringed in his ears bringing small content smile on his face.

'Who are you?'

'Where are you?', his heart was at peace and mind was flooded with her thoughts, sudden warmness engulfed his entire existence.

The girl of his dream, he never saw her but still he was crazy for her, or we should say, she made him crazy. His dream had become part of his life.

Two days later, there was board meeting where Sanskar was on everybody's target to answer questions about the news.

He was master planner before coming to meeting he had already gathered all financial results which they would be presenting in AGM to showcase the success story of their business house over the years.

"Sanskar, you need to prove that you are compatible for this post else shareholders and investors will vote against you." Dev was skeptical about upcoming AGM.

"Yes, he is right. We have already got inside information that they are teaming up against you; if they form strong opposition then it will be difficult for us. I am sure they will nominate someone for CEO position amongst them." Siddhant said with worried expressions.

"Sid Uncle, but due to complicated stake holdings of Maheshwari Business House, they will not have solitary say in decision, we are all major shareholders backing Sanskar" Neil defended his best friend with smirk.

"Yes I agree Neil, but Sid is also have point, voting is always secretive" Dev mentioned passing quick glance at Shekhar which was not missed from Sanskar's narrowed eyes.

"Don't worry Dev uncle, I know how to deal with them"

After meeting everyone left from meeting room leaving Sanskar and Neil alone, they were still discussing about the new SEZ project.

"What do you think who would be behind this? Even though we supressed the news, manipulated media. Rumors are still in the air and I feel somebody is giving blow to it making sure it stays in minds of public. Someone is hiding behind curtains, especially while manipulating shareholders and investors" Neil initiated their conversation.

"Sanskar do you think if somebody is backstabbing you" Neil asked with perplexed.

Neil's sudden statement captured all attention from Sanskar, he looked at his best friend for a moment.

'I am sure who is backstabbing me'

"We are always surrounded with people who are ready to betray on the first opportunity they get. And that is why I don't allow anyone to come near me."

"Sanskar, you are sounding scary?" Neil asked knowing Sanskar in and out.

He was not the person who would take any attack on his personal life and family, he would counterattack with bang,

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