Chapter - 14 : Destiny Strikes In!

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It was early morning, Swara came out of her room towards balcony to take fresh air. She looked down but scrunched her eye bows not finding Sanskar down in the garden, she had become used to over last couple of days to get his sight early in the morning.

After her yoga Swara was going for breakfast when while passing from corridor, Swara's gaze went to closed glass French door, she could see Sanskar inside standing in his regular gym cloths.

He was looking at some files with furious gaze. He was burning from inside.

Swara halted in her tracks when she saw Neil inside the room, he was furious too.

She had observed Neil over these days and one thing she noticed about him was his cool, matured and composed but not to neglect that he was extremely loyal to his best friend.

She could not hear anything as door was closed but looking at these two-best friend's facial and body languages she considered that they both were agiated over something.

Swara shrugged her shoulder and turned to take next step but she stopped in her track. She jerked back towards the glass door when her mind processed the identification of third person in the room.

Of course, she recognised the man standing in front of Sanskar and explaining him about something from file.

He was none other than Gautam Kapoor, personal lawyer of Annindham Mehra, who used to be very close and loyal to her grandfather.

'What Gautam Uncle is doing with these two?'

"This is high time Sanskar." Neil fumed.

"I need to cut his wings. What does he think he will do anything at my back, and I will not get to know about him" Sanskar said venomously.

"Thanks Uncle, it was a real help."

"Come on Sanskar, I owe my life to Maheshwari's and Mehra's. Anant Sir took care of me when nobody was ready to look after an orphan like me. Because of him only I could settle in London and then started working for Annindham Sir. Though, today I work for my own law firm but even today, these two holds very important position in my life. This is something, which is my responsibility towards Maheshwari's. Anant Sir, always took care of Shekhar as his own son but now I believe, he is trying backstab your family."  Gautam provided insights.

"Thank you so much Uncle. Don't worry I will look after him" Sanskar assured with nod.

"I know you will take care of him. You are just like Anant Sir" Gautam left leaving these two alone in the room.

"Sanskar, we need to remove him from board".

"Hmm. But it will not be that easy, he is on board from long time. He held trust of major stakeholders. We need to sideline him without any adverse impact."

"Yes, you are right. We cannot afford to lose our temper at this time." Neil shook his head.

"Let's do one thing, let's try to choke him from all sides."

" That's right Sanskar. He is working on couple of Telecom deals, we need to find out any loopholes in them so that we can take over handling of those deals in our hands limiting his say."

"Yes and the first blow will be tomorrow, marriage postponement news and then breaking will divert his attention towards his obsessed daughter."


"And the. We can corner him under complicated stake holdings. He needs to have at least 5% of shares to maintain his position, he has 6% right now. Let's start making his pockets empty."

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