Chapter - 26 : Falling Apart

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"What happened to her now?" Sujata mumbled to herself with concern filled tone on breakfast table when Swara informed her about Sanskar's call with Rohan and he left in hurry early in morning.

"Mom what exactly had happened with Rohan's aunty? I mean, you would have met her right?" Swara asked being perplexed looking at worried Sujata.

"No Beta. We could never meet her, when we got to know about her, she was in terrible condition. Actually, she is facing nervous breakdown. She prefers to be in isolation, she is suffering with severe depression. I am not sure, but she had some issues with her husband's family. Sanskar visits Sinha family, just to give emotional support. He is too close to Rohan and Neil from his childhood." Ram gave her idea about reasons behind his son's frequent visits to Lonavala.

"Yes, he is right, we asked Sanskar lot of times that we could accompany him, but he declined as Gayatri ji gets panic attack looking at new faces" Sujata provided additional information.

Swara completed her breakfast discussing on different topics with her family but her mind was going back towards Sanskar's morning talks with Rohan. It was something alarming for her. His grieve, his anxiety can be clearly seen on his face and voice, it was more than simple emotional support for his friend's family. Swara was aware about Sanskar's deep bonding with his friends but still her logical mind was not able to digest his utmost concern for someone outside of his family. With these thoughts running in her mind she left for her office.

"I don't remember our team discussing anything about this discount anytime when we finalised the quote price, then why we added it?" Swara demanded explanations from her team members. It's been one week and she had finally received papers for deal which were not matching with her expectations.

"Mam looks like there is discrepancy" Chief of CFA's replied earning all attention from Swara and other team members, he continued in professional tone turning his attention on projector which was displaying difference between two quote prices on excel sheet "When we came up with expected Capital and Operational cost for the project and gave our sign off for the quote it was different amount. Even the papers which was circulated among all heads of department had the quote price which was discussed and confirmed. But the papers which government has has totally different quote price. I have never recommended this additional discount."

Swara was astonished with revelations, she had all details in front of her.

"How is this possible" Swara scrunched her eyebrows and drowned in deep thoughts, but she diverted her attention towards current burning issue. First she needed to figure out how to compensate for additional project cost.

After long hours of discussions on next plan of action Swara came back to her cabin, now it was her time to figure out what went wrong. She was sure someone had changed final quote amount but then question was who?

She picked up her intercome and called her new secretary, "Shirin, can you please send Payal in my cabin."

Shirin Pinto was new PA for Swara, previously she used to work under Payal to manage Swara's daily schedules and paperwork. But last week Payal resigned from her job giving some lame excuse which Swara found suspicious, she accepted her resignation as her focus was on Amanera Project Cost escalation. But now she wanted to have detail talks with her ex-secretary who was on her notice period of 3 weeks.

"Sure Mam" Shirin replied professionally.

"May I come in Mam?" Payal knocked and asked permission opening Swara's cabin door after some time. She prayed to her lord when she was informed by Shirin. She was well aware about how everyone from office was alarmed due to escalations.

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