Chapter 3

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I smiled as I watched Amethyst. She was walking towards Vaye who was patiently waiting for her. I was ecstatic. Amethyst has been preparing for this moment and it was finally happening. I knew exactly what Amethyst felt. After all, I had experienced being introduced already. Although Amethyst and I may be different, we felt the same. As I watched Amethyst smile at the crowd, I couldn't help but see myself in her. I could almost see myself standing in her place, fidgeting and uneasy. But I still stood tall and proud, I knew Amethyst would do the same. If not, then she'll do it on her own way. So I had no reason to worry.

I felt Eva nudging me, I ignored her and continued to watch Amethyst. I was slightly irritated because of Eva. Ever since we got here, she has been annoying me nonstop. Even though Eva and I were on very good terms now, she and I still bicker. But in my defense, she was always the first one to initiate the argument. I was usually a calm and collected person and that made Eva want to test my patience. There were times when I would run out of patience though. Those were times that made me smirk because whenever I was truly angry, Eva becomes a good little girl.

Oh, how I wish I can stay angry forever. But when I look at Eva's eyes and see her beautiful silver orbs staring at me, I melt. I honestly don't know why but Eva's eyes have a huge effect on me. Maybe it's because whenever I meet her eyes, I could always see her true feelings for me. Or maybe it was because of her pupils dilating every time we make eye contact. Either way, I'm in love with her eyes.

"Dude, stop with the corny shit, I'm trying to listen to Amethyst." I slowly looked at my left and saw Sapphire smirking at me. I smiled at her which obviously scared her.

"It's not my fault you weren't listening! And I'm in Vaye's kingdom, okay?! You can't harm me here! Plus, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one reading your mind, if you haven't noticed, we're in a room full of vampires."

I didn't reply, instead I simply smiled at her. Sapphire let out a nervous laugh as she looked away. From my right, I can hear Eva whisper, "And this is when Sapphire knew, she fucked up."

"Shut up."

And just like that, the two imbeciles beside me went silent. Rolling my eyes at them, I finally focused on Amethyst.

"I know you may all think that a human cannot rule a kingdom of vampires. But let me prove you wrong. If you trust your queen, you know that she doesn't make the wrong choices. And so your queen has chosen me, not because I am her mate, not because she pitied me but because she believes in me. I will prove myself worthy of your loyalty and I will not stop until I've gained your trust. Soon, you will know me, not only as your queen's mate but as the first human who ruled vampires."

Amethyst bowed and the crowd suddenly began throwing questions at her. From the look on Amethyst's face, she seemed troubled. She didn't know which one to answer because the vampires were talking in unison. Vaye noticed this and quickly handled the situation by clapping her hands. That simple act from Vaye was enough to make the vampires go silent.

"Raise your hand if you have a question for my queen. She will choose the one who gets to ask questions." Multiple vampires immediately raised their hands. They were all staring at Amethyst, anticipating her choice.

Amethyst bit her lip and chose a random vampire. I raised my eyebrow at her choice. She chose a vampire whose hair was white and her eyes had the most unusual shade of red. I eyed the vampire and to make sure she was harmless, I tried to smell her scent. I sighed when I realized that her scent was ancient. Almost like Gaia's scent. If I'm not mistaken, she was probably sent here by Gaia.

"A human, right? How is a human going to be useful in the war against angels?" My eyes widened. I quickly approached the ancient vampire. I grabbed her and sprinted out of the room.

As I was dragging the vampire away, I could hear the other vampires asking Vaye about the war. It has been five years since we last heard of the war so we didn't announce it yet. Vampires, wolves and witches were still uninformed. But I guess we were enjoying our vacation too much. We have forgotten about the threat coming our way.

As I was distracted by my thoughts, the vampire freed herself from my grip. She pushed me hard and that made me fall to the ground. I groaned as I watched her roll her eyes at me. "I cannot believe Gaia chose you and your friends as our hero." She made sure to emphasize the way she said hero with venom.

I glared at her and slowly stood up. "If you're here because of the war, you could've just approached us. Now the vampires know and will think the worst."

"Well then, good! Because none of you are doing anything! The war is close and you are all just sitting around and relaxing!" She exclaimed, her eyes turning a darker shade of red and her fangs made an appearance.

"Still, that was not the appropriate way to tell them about the war! Vampires are angry creatures and their actions are mostly controlled by their emotions. Now that they know, they may act irrationally and that will become another problem."

The ancient vampire hissed, "Well maybe this wouldn't have happened if you and your friends already told them."

"Stop. We handled the situation. The vampires know about the war already. As for your concern Pearl, my vampires will not act irrationally. I have taught them better than that."

With my head low, I said, "I'm sorry, Vaye.." Vaye only answered me with a nod.

I felt Eva hug me from behind, she then whispered, "Are you okay?" Her tone of voice was careful and worried which almost made me smile. To avoid any distractions, I simply cleared my throat and nodded.

"Gaia told me you were all responsible but from what I can see, you are all immature creatures. I don't understand what Gaia sees in all of you. So far, you've all been a disappointment."

Weiss glared at her, "Shut up with your useless insults. You obviously came here for a reason and I'm assuming that reason is not to insult us."

The ancient vampire rolled her eyes and carelessly threw a rolled paper at us. "That's the clue to find Angeline's whereabouts. Start your search as soon as possible, we don't have much time left." She turned around and was about to leave but she suddenly stopped.

"Unlike you useless creatures, the angels have already started their training five years ago."

And with that, she gave us all a glare and left, leaving us staring at the rolled paper on the ground. Weiss sighed and took the paper. She unrolled it and began to read it out loud.

"Live where the Holy Land is."

[A/N] Where do you think is the Holy Land? Tell me your answer in the comments! (๑•﹏•)

Enjoy reading~!

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