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I've been best mates with Liam since I was seven years old, we met the day I moved to Manchester.

My dad said that the polite thing is to introduce yourself to your neighbours, so we went over to the house next door, to the Gallagher's, that's when I first saw them, three boys stood in front of their waving mum. As my dad said hi to everyone he pushed me a little closer to the boys and said "Ellie say hi" and so I shyly shook hands with them all, my dad taught me that's how you greet people.
Their mom said their names one by one, and I approached the one in the middle, Noel, he was nine, I thought I'd hang out with him since he was the closest to my age, but when I said "Hi, I'm Elodie, wanna be friends?" He stood in silence and ran back into the house, I thought it was a bit weird but I didn't mind. I turned to the side and look at the four year old playing loudly with his toys on the floor, I sat down next to him and received a woodblock from him to add to the tower he later destroyed, that was the fun part for him, the chaos.

Since that day Liam has been my best friend, and I've practically lived in that house during my childhood summers. I started going to the same school as them, my mum would drive all together almost every day in middle school, I'd talk and laugh with Liam all the way, Noel would quietly look out the window and practically escape from the car as soon as we arrived at school, he never was too fond of me, I don't really know why.

Six years later (1982):

We were in the car, as my mom stopped in front of the school, Noel (who was 15 at the time) got out first and I followed, but my backpack flew wide open and all my books were spread on the floor, Noel immediately went on his knees and helped me gather them, and as we stoop up putting the books where they belonged, our eyes met and we stared at each for a few seconds more "th- thank you" I awkwardly said.

"Don't worry bout it" he said with the sweetest smile and his head towards the ground but his eyes looking directly into mine, that's when I melted.

"Are you gonna move?" Liam said making me snap out of it and move to the side as I watched Noel walk away still putting my self together with a smile I couldn't get rid of.

Since that day I liked Noel, but I was self conscious enough to know he wouldn't put his eyes on a thirteen year old, so I didn't act on it more than helplessly stare at him whenever he was around praying he didn't notice, or worst, that Liam noticed.

Two years later (1984):

A lot changed in two years, I mean not so much but me and Liam started going to parties and stuff, at first I went with my mates (of my own age) but Liam insisted he could keep up, and he did, more than I could ever imagine.

Some weeks after I turned sixteen I asked my mum if I could go to this party out of town, I usually sneak out the window with Liam waiting on the other side, but those were parties with people I knew from school of something, this party was a bit more extreme. Liam thought that was exactly why I should specifically not tell my parents, but I've always been a little bit paranoid, so I couldn't stop imagining something bad happening while no one knew where we were, that thought scared the crap out of me, and Liam was only fourteen, I was the responsible one, and I couldn't let anything happen to that little boy.

My mum let us, at least me, go to the party as long as we promise not to drink and get home before 1 am. She made me swear I wouldn't let anything happen to Liam.

At the party we met up with one of my mates, she introduced us to other people and we chatted there for a bit, then Liam wandered off with one of my friends and I went dancing, this guy offered me a beer, he was kinda cute so I took it saying "thanks" in a flirty way, I danced with him for a while, checking on Liam from time to time. I didn't feel so guilty about that drink cause I've drunk before and I wasn't planning on drinking more, also Alisa was driving and she promised she wasn't going to drink so my only worry was not to lose sight of Liam.

Unfortunately, that was exactly what happened next, I was chatting with these people, enjoying myself, and the guy from earlier was looking at me from across the room, I went over to him and took him by the hand, as 'Temptation' by New Order started playing, I love that song. I was dancing with him really close and after the chorus, (in which I danced my soul away) he put his hands on my lower back and I kissed him. We kissed for some time until the song ended, "I'll be right back" I said winking at him as he slowly let go of my hand.

I went to check up on Liam, but I couldn't find him anywhere, I could swear he was on the couch across the room, I was thinking the worst already, how could I distract my self for that long? I knew he gets bored easily, I shouldn't've never left his side.

As I was walking fast pushing people aside, I heard a fight outside, my only wish was for Liam to come out of the bathroom or something and go 'What are y'doing? What's going on?' But that didn't happen. I ran outside and looked inside the circle that was formed surrounding the apparent fight, and I spotted Liam, winding people up looking like he wanted to get punched in the face. He wasn't stupid but he really liked trouble. I tried to get in the middle and fish him out of there but people started joining in and throwing fists in the air. When I was close to grabbing him someone punched me on the cheekbone, and I fell down but immediately stood up and reached Liam pulling him by the shirt out of that mess.

I dragged him out to the street far enough so we could talk without getting affected by the scene that was happening in the background.

"Liam.. what the fuck" I said panting, touching my face, feeling a bit of blood on my fingers.

"Sorry" he said looking to the ground, he looked ashamed.

"Why were you in the middle of that?" I said angrily.

"I accidentally pushed this guy and he pushed me back before I could say sorry, so I went with it, that's it" he said shrugging. "What else could I do?"

"You could've not 'went with it' y'know? For fucks sake Liam.." I said turning my face to the other side.

That's when Liam saw the blood on my face and ran towards me with a worried expression.

"God are you alright?" He said running his thumb through my cheekbone wiping away the blood.

"Agh, careful" I hissed in pain. "Let's go home, at least you didn't get hurt" I said hugging him tightly, I was so relieved he was ok.

We got home at 2 am, my dad was really angry and my mum just asked if we were ok before taking Liam home.

"You're grounded" my dad said without hesitation.


"Tomorrow will see with your mum, and from I can smell you drank so don't expect a light punishment, now go to your room" he said pointing to the stairs. I obeyed without protest.

I know this seems like a really long flashback, and that's exactly what it is so yeah.

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