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Two years later (1986):

I was walking home from school when someone jumped on my back, basically.

"El! How y'doing?"

"Liam you scared the crap out of me" I said, taking all the air back into my lounges.

"Sorry bout' that" he said walking beside me putting his arm around my shoulder. "Wanna hang out?"

"Yeah ok" I said a little confused but glad.

"Come on"

He grabbed my hand and dragged me to his house that was some blocks away.

"Wait" I said laughing while we ran.

I haven't been to the Gallagher's house in a while, lately I've hanged out with Alisa. I met her when she moved to Manchester, two years ago. She appeared in the classroom and I went over to her desk before anyone else could. We had sort of the same taste in music, and we got along, she's really funny, but we can have real conversations too, that's what I look for in a friend really. I've hung out with her and some other blokes since Liam and I drifted apart, he started drinking and doing kinda wild stuff I didn't feel like doing, not that he'd invite me either, I guess that's the part that bothers me. Summers started to feel shorter and I still went next door, but never as much as before, before I grew up, I guess.

I'd still talk to him from time to time, but he got this reputation at school and I don't know, maybe he grew up to...

So it was kinda weird that he wanted to hang out all of the sudden. I mean he did start to approach me the last few weeks, we were getting along just like years ago, not that something specific happened that wouldn't let us, but still, it was unusual.

We got to his house and Peggy opened the door.

"Elodie, dear! I haven't seen you for such a long time, how are you? How's your mam?"

"Hi Peggy, I'm fine thank you, and she's too, how are you?"

"Oh, I'm just fine dear, Liam-"

Liam interrupted her with a look.

"Oh I'll leave you two, nice seeing you, Elodie" She said with a warm and motherly smile moving to the side letting us in.

"It was nice seeing you too" I smiled back while Liam pushed me upstairs.

"What's this all 'bout?" I said while he calmly closed his bedroom door.

"Just wanted to hang out"  he mumbles looking to the ground.

"Oh" I said after a while.

He sat on his bed and patted the spot next to him. I went over and sat there. We talked about school and we caught up in each other's lives, he told me some mad stories about some parties he'd been to and I listened closely. I always loved those stories, they always made me laugh.

Later, he put on a Beatles record, 'Rubber Soul'
My favourite.

We laughed and talked for hours, just like we used to. Then we just, laid on the floor, looking to the ceiling, feeling the music.

I've missed these moments with Liam.

"One day this will be me"

I lifted my head a bit to face him, he seemed serious.

"What? you're gonna be a rock 'n' roll star?" I say with a look, wanting to laugh.

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