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Ooooh it's gonna be an eventful chapter
(I'm quite proud of this one)

(Still 1986)

This was my last year in college, It was good. I had a solid group of friends, Alisa, Matt, who I met in detention last fall, we've become good mates since that. Maggie, I met her at a party starting the year, we looked for the name of the song that was playing together all night and ended up talking until everyone left, she's really cool. And Oliver, he's quiet but fun to be with. I've hanged out with them almost every day, we usually lay on the grass and talk, it's fun.

I can't say I haven't missed Liam, I still see him around the halls, he's making quite a name of himself, going to parties, drinking and fucking everything in sight, apparently.

I can't say he's changed either, cause that's not true, he's always liked trouble, so he must be pleased with the scene he's created. The thing that, I don't know... worries me, is that he's only sixteen. Even though that's never been a problem for Liam.

We stopped talking lately, so I haven't been around his house to see Noel either. I bumped into him the other day, but he acted weird and ended the small talk almost immediately. Liam's been acting weird too, the few times we've talked he ended the conversation the same way Noel did that time. I guess it's something with them, but I can't figure out what exactly.

"Ellie!" Said Matt snapping me out of my own thoughts.

"Ugh what? Sorry" I said shaking my head a little and lifting it from Matt's lap where it was resting.

"We asked if you were planning on going to Luke's party on Friday" said Alisa.

"We were saying we can meet up at my house after college" said Maggie braiding her hair, putting flowers in between.

"Oh, sound" I said resting my head back down.

We all stayed in silence for a while, Matt was taking the flowers off Maggie's hair and she was putting them back up. Alisa was humming to 'Cemetry Gates' by The Smiths. I hummed along with her.

"Have you talk to the Gallagher's lately?" Said Oliver breaking the atmosphere.

"Why you ask?"

"I heard they're going on Friday"

I felt my heart race a little.

"Oh, I didn't know"

"I thought you did" said Maggie.


We were going back to class when I ran into Liam. Really he stopped me in the hall.

"Elodie! How are you?" He said genuinely surprised as he hugged me, which was odd since we hadn't talked in like a month.

"I'm alright... and you?"

"Good good, listen" he said putting his hands on my shoulders, looking directly into my eyes.  His were just like Noel's, but greyer. He was always a bit taller than me, almost the same height, but now he was clearly taller.

"Y'heard 'bout Friday?"

"Yeah" I said calmly.

"Are y'going?"

"I guess"

He let go of my shoulders and leaned to the side against the lockers.

"Y'wanna go together?" He said looking down and lifting just his eyes to mine, biting his lip in expectation.

I frowned a little confused but soon got rid of that expression and answered "Um... I was going to meet with Alisa and the lads..."

He seemed disappointed.

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