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The morning after pill wouldn't work because it was the morning after the morning after so I didn't know what to do.

I quietly stood up, made the bed and picked up my clothes. I walked down the stairs as noiseless as I could and went out the door to my house. I got inside, showered and got dressed to go to work. I decided to walk since I was like an hour early.

I walked around town and sat down to think, after a while, I decided to go get that pill, who knows, it might work.

So I went to the pharmacy and requested it.

"I'll need to ask you some questions first"

"Yeah, alright" I said impatiently.

"When was your last period?"

"Um... I dunno, two weeks ago?"

She furrowed her eyebrows "... Alright"
"How long's your cycle usually?"

I stopped to think. I don't really keep track of those things.

"29, 30 days"

"What contraception do you normally use?"

"I dunno, condom I think"

"When did you last have unprotected sex?"

"Saturday night"

"Ok, wait one moment"

I sighed deeply and leaned against the counter while tapping my feet.

"Here you go" and she placed a box in front of me. "That'll be £35"

I stared at her with eyes wide open. Then I snapped out of it and agreed, passing her the money.

I was a bit nervous leaving the store but I read the warnings on the side of the little box which said that you can take it up to 5 days after you had sex so, I guess everything was going to be fine.

I walked fast into the cafe.

"Alright, Chris? Yeah, I'm fine, and you? All good, thanks"

I rolled my eyes and went to the back to get my apron.

"Hi, Chris, how are you?"

"Oh hi Elodie, thought you weren't speaking anymore, like at all"

"No, I am" I said a little annoyed.

"So what's with you?"

"Nowt, just- nowt"

He raised his eyebrows picking up the book he had left open face down on the counter. "Alright"

I sat there for about five minutes and I went to the toilet.

"Where are you going?" He said loudly. And annoyingly.

"Toilet" I answered in the same tone.

I went inside and took the pill out of my backpack, read once again the paper inside the box and breathed out with the pill in my hand.

This was the first time I thought of using this method, I guess I never needed it.

That's when I heard "Elodieee!" the door swung open and saw Chris standing with the knob in his hand and head in first inside the only toilet in the shop.

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