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We went downstairs to the kitchen, I went to the sink to get some water.

"D'you want one?" I say to Noel, holding a glass in my hand.

"No no, thanks I'm ok" he says shaking his head politely.

"Alright" I say leaning on the fridge siping the water.

"So what did you do?"

I groan.

"There was this party out of town, and instead of sneaking out, I told my mum, y'know, in case something happened at least someone knew where we were" I paused for a second. "The conditions were not drinking and getting back before 1 am"

"And what happened?" Noel asked getting just a little closer in sign of attention, raising his eyebrows a bit.

"We got home 1 hour past curfew smelling like alcohol, I drank one beer, and I had a cut cheekbone"

Noel looked like he wanted to laugh, with that cute little smile, but also concerned. "Is that the cut there?" He says getting closer to my face, lightly stroking it in the bruise with the back of his hand.

I groan again. "Yeah, it still hurts a bit" I say trying to stay cool, although it is almost impossible not to fall apart right here.

He continues to stroke my face for some seconds and I swear I thought he was looking at my lips, I'm not sure.

"So what now?" I ask breaking the silence.

He looks like he realized something and slightly shakes his head putting his hands on his pockets, moving some steps back, noticing how close we were.

"We could listen to something? And talk..." he says looking to his feet. He looks so cute like that.

"Uh sure" I say walking towards the records. "What do you wanna hear?" I say kneeling down to go through them.

"Mmm... d'you have something by the Beatles?"

"Yeah of course" I said moving some records around "We have 'A hard day's night' 'Revolver' and 'Rubber Soul' which one d'you want?"

"Revolver" he said quickly, he seemed excited.

I put it on and sat down on the couch, he sat down next to me, our legs touching.

We started talking about the record and music in general, he told me about some gigs he's been to and I listened closely, amused by his company.

"You know this is their best record right?" Noel says making it clear that he thinks it's obvious.

"No it's not, it's 'Rubber Soul'"

He chuckled "oh so innocent..."

I just grind and punch him lightly on the shoulder. "Shut up"

We stayed there listening, in comfortable silence. It was quite nice.

After 'Tomorrow Never Knows' ended, Noel stood up and went over to the records.

"Which one d'you want?" He says turning to face me.

"Bowie, mmm... 'Hunky Dory'"

"Alright" he put the record on and came back to the couch but a little bit closer this time.

I can feel my heart race, I want to kiss him so bad, he's looking deeply into my eyes, is he getting closer? I can't take my eyes off his lips, those eyes, they're so shiny, oh fuck, his hand is on my knee, he's softly stroking my leg, I can't-

*Loud noise coming from outside the house*

He takes his hand off me and backs down immediately saying "what was that?"

I shrug looking to where the sound came from.

He stands up and walks carefully to the door, opening it.

"Well, what was it?" I say trying to act normal.

"Just a cat that fell on the neighbours rubbish can" Noel said in an apathetic way.

There was an awkward silence lasting longer than I would've liked.

"Y'know you should help me tidy up the basement, we can start today and finish tomorrow morning or something" I said hoping he wasn't too weirded out by the almost moment we just had.

"Yeah alright"

I stand up and go downstairs to the basement, I turn the light on, as I walk between the stuff dust flew everywhere. I heard Noel come down and felt his hands on my waist, moving me gently to the side, I shivered while I moved as his hands ordered.

"I'll go and put some music on" I said

I went back upstairs and put on 'Power Corruption and Lies' by New Order and started dancing with "Age of Consent" playing in the background. I love this song so much I can't help but smile and spin around, I feel alive again.

In one turn I saw Noel stood in the door as the guitar solo blasted out of the record player, and I took him by the hand, and danced around him, while he stood there with that lovely smile, shaking his head. Finally, I got him to dance when the song was almost ending. He spins me around to get back to his arms as the song ends, and we stay there hearing the guitars fade away, catching our breath, while he was holding me.

"Come on, now we are loose enough to sort this out" I said going downstairs, he was following me, still holding my hand.

I had so much trouble coming up with ideas for this one, I wrote 5 other possible endings to this chapter, this is the one that makes it easier to continue so yeah, and also it turned out quite nice and cute, I wrote the 'Age of Consent' part listening to it, I want a Noel :(

Talk tonight (Noel Gallagher)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora