Part 7 ~its nothing~

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Adam was confused when he saw his boyfriends ex fling calling. He thought they cut off all contact. Maybe it was a different Carla he thought. But he knew that it wasn't , he knew it was the right Carla. "Who's calling me?" Lawrence asked . In a panic to answer Adam replied with the words "Its nothing ." . But he made another lie and said that it was his phone going off. Lawrence knew that was bullshit but he played along . Lawrence could always tell when Adam lied. Adam wouldn't make contact and grab the nearest object for his life.

Many thoughts were going through Adams head . Is he cheating ? Has he been lying ? Why is she calling? But he didn't wanna focus on that.He had to go to work in a couple minutes to do photography for a newborn. Adam packed up is equipment and left. When he got to the place he was going to do photography at, he saw this family of three get out of the car. Adam then realized it was Carla and her family . "Hey Stanheight, i heard you and Lawrence are together .I was trying to call him to see if i had the correct Adam he used to talk about twenty-four seven. ". That had settled Adams mind a bit but he still knew Larry lied about those two and how they had "no contact" with that whore.

After a long day of seeing that petty bitch Carla he decided to go to the nearest Starbucks. He pulled in and saw Lawrence's car. He just thought Lawrence was getting some coffee. So Adam went in and got his usual then sat down.He then saw this one car pull up. He thought he'd seen it before but he didn't know how so he just continued editing the pictures on his laptop . He looked up when he saw Carla enter the Starbucks and get in line to order . He just thought that maybe she wanted a drink so he went back to working . After Carla had ordered he saw her go over to Lawrence's table. Adam knew Lawrence hadn't seen him (yet) so he figured he'd keep a low profile . So he pretended to not watch by hitting random keys on his laptop. He figured that she might've been just saying hi . But then Adam saw it. Lawrence got up and kissed Carla .....

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