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"Stupid Ass Cult"

   As she ran, the sound of thundering footsteps and deafening shouts reverberated through the jet black forest. The dense foliage passed in a blur, the yelling only getting louder as she lost more and more stamina. 

   She felt someone grip a loose piece of clothing that flowed behind her, the force stopping her momentum and pulling her to the ground.

   "Ah ha! Finally got ya!" the rough voice taunted.

   She didn't respond. Her head was spinning. The dark trees loomed over her, the stars cloaked in the thick cloud cover above, the man grinned viciously down at her.

   "I got 'er. Put 'er out while she's still down."

   She felt her racing pulse stop once those words were uttered. She struggled in the man's grip, but to no avail. The group chasing her had finally caught up to her and the man holding her knocked her out.

   "Let's go, she won't stay out for long. We've got to work quickly."

   Her limp body was picked up by a burly man and taken into a cave, screams echoing throughout. Water cascaded down the walls in thin streams, the gravel crunched under the men's boots, lanterns strewn around the inky cavern being the only sources of light. Cells with ravenous beasts lined the walls, the creatures growling as the group passed. The brutish lot, led by a skinnier man wearing a mage's robe, walked into a brighter room lit by mage lights. Strange symbols were carved into the ground in a circle at the center of the room.

   "Rid her of her armor and place her here," the mage gestured to the middle of the circle.

   Once the warrior was stripped of her armor and left with only regular clothes, she was placed onto the ground.

   The mage smirked and gathered the rest of his people. His eyes danced across the diverse crowd making sure they were paying attention to him in all of his glory. 

   "Brothers! Sisters! Today is the day. The day that we rid the world of this nuisance, this pest, this plague that has corrupted the minds of Skyrim and its people," he paused as they shouted in glee. "Are you ready?"

   The shouts resumed. Once they quieted, a nord man spoke over the dying noise.

   "How do we know that this will work?"

   The mage's gaze narrowed on the man, his face falling into a snarl. "Step forward, nord."

   The man walked until he stood a few feet away from the mage in front of the crowd, though before anyone could speak, the mage's hands ignited into raging flames and the nord was no more than a pile of ash.

   The mage smirked and looked back to the crowd, a dark look crossing his features. "Does anyone else have any doubts about my abilities?"

   Silence befell them as the mage brushed the faux dust from his shoulder.

   "Now, as I was saying, it is time to banish this disappointment of a Queen from our sacred lands."

   The mage turned on his heels and gracefully stepped onto the other side of the altar. He raised his arms over the unconscious woman and began to chant in a language unknown to the inhabitants of the cave. The carved symbols began to glow along with the woman. The mage's chants turned into intense shouts that struck fear within even the scariest creatures. 

   A light flashed through the cave, blinding every being within its reach. As it dimmed, the group looked to where the woman was only to see she had vanished. They were all in awe of the mage's magical capabilities.

   The mage bowed causing the crowd to erupt in cheers. They all believed that they had gotten rid of her for good.

   Now, it was time for action. Time for them to take over Skyrim. Time for them to rule. Time for the Eternal Myriad to end the peace. Peace was overrated anyways.

   Unknown to those celebrating, a bright flash of light appeared outside of the Gilbert residence in Mystic Falls, Virginia on Earth. A woman, no older than 16 wearing tattered rags for clothes was dropped onto the plush grass. The date was January 20th, 2009.

   Within the house, Miranda and Grayson Gilbert were enjoying dinner with Miranda's sister, Jenna Sommers, and their two children, Elena and Jeremy Gilbert, when a sudden light flashed through the glass doors that led to their backyard. A thump sounded as the light disappeared, and in its wake, a young woman who couldn't have been any older than Elena.

   Grayson stood from his chair and walked to the door, but turned toward his family before any of them could get up.

   "Wait here, I'll be right back."

   He opened the door at an agonizingly slow pace and slid outside. He hesitantly made his way over to the unconscious woman and took in her horrifying appearance. She was caked in a mixture of dirt and blood, that seemed to be her own, her clothes looked as though they came from centuries before their current time, her hair was knotted and matted down with twigs mixed in. As he inched closer, the young woman suddenly jumped up, gasping sharply, eyes wide and wildly searching for a threat before landing on Grayson's still form. She began hyperventilating and tried to scoot away from him, but he crouched down and gently held her in place.

   "Hey, hey, it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you," Grayson soothed, but the woman ignored his attempt at calming her and tried to yank out of his soft, but firm grip.

   "No, no, no, let me go!" the woman shouted, fighting to be released from the man's hold. 

   "Hey, look at me, look at me," Grayson forced the woman to make eye contact with him. Their eyes clashed. The woman studied Grayson, eyes sweeping over him, searching for a possible threat. When she found nothing, she stopped squirming, but her muscles stayed tense.

   "Yeah, just stay calm, I'm not going to hurt you. Can you tell me what your name is?" Grayson asked softly.

   The woman opened her mouth, but confusion flooded through her. She didn't know her name. Who was she?

   "I… I don't- I don't know…" she whispered, tears forming in her dark eyes. "I don't know who I am."

   Grayson looked at her tearful gaze and couldn't help but feel bad for the young woman. She was trembling in his hold as her tears began to fall slowly from her eyes.

   The woman looked behind Grayson and froze making the man turn. His wife was standing in the doorway, concern flowing through her at the sight of the injured female.

   "Grayson, what happened? Is she okay? Who is she?" Miranda's motherly instincts seemed to kick in after seeing the woman who was no older than her Elena. 

   "She doesn't seem to know that herself. We need to get her to a hospital."

   Grayson went to pick the woman up, but noticed she had fainted. His eyes widened and he looked to his wife once again.

   "We need to get to the car, now!"

   After that, the Gilbert's decided to give the girl somewhere to stay. At least until she could remember who she was, but until then, she was given the name Lorelei Gilbert. And she had a big storm coming her way that would come in many forms. Whether they be tests at school (which she would never fully understand the need for) or the oldest vampires in existence. She didn't know if she would ever be prepared, but when her unknown past continues to loom over her, she didn't know if she could handle the truth of her Bloodline.

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