The Second Gifts

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Eira's P.O.V

Somehow, my grip was broken when someone or something yanked the chain that held Howie and me. They pulled up Howie, lucky for me they managed to take half of my sleeves. I was on my knees. Covered my mouth in shock, my eyes were threatened by tears, and guilt consumed me for losing Howie. Aunt Linda wept endlessly. My sobbing paid no attention to Maxie extinguishing the fire on the Christmas tree and a few presents. Uncle Howard tried to grab him inside the fireplace but was too late. "Ouch!" He exclaimed, scrambling out of the fireplace seeing Howie's shoe. We lifted our heads when we heard Howie's screaming and some evil laughs.

Fear stroked into our souls as we could only listen. After a while, Jordan and Stevie were pouring streaks of tears on their cheeks for the loss of their baby brother. "I'm sorry, " I started, turning myself to them. "I couldn't hold on much longer, I spilled-" I wiped from my eyes as tears fell. "No, it's my fault, " "Howard." "No, I fell asleep and they got our boy. It's all my fault." Uncle Howard admitted to his wife with the addition of sobs. "Nein (No), " Omi announced grimly, gaining our attention. Starting the fire again with ease before saying. " Das ist alles unsere Schuld. Er ist für sie gekommen. (This is all of our fault. He's come for her.)" Pointing at me. " Dann für uns alle. (Then for us all.)" She finished sitting down on the footrest.

The rest of my family looked in confusion while I couldn't help but shiver as Omi said those words. "Tom, what's she saying?" Aunt Linda broke the silence. "This is all of our fault? He's come for Eira, then for us all?" Dad translated for everyone as he and Maxie try to comfort Mom. "THEY CAN HAVE THE BITCH ALRIGHT!" Jordan growled with hatred. "Jordan, stop!" Her sister demands, clearly not in the mood for the blame game. "He? W-who's he?" Mom stutters eagerly.

Dad and I look at Mom then back to Omi. "Mom, what are you talking about?" "Please, listen," Omi requested us in English. "English. I knew it." Auntie muttered to the girls. I shook my head at her, showing this was urgent. Omi never speaks English unless it was crucial. "I must tell you something, " she looked at me with sorrow in her eyes. "To all of you."

Third P.O.V

Omi prayed for the day won't come. The day where Krampus and his minions would return. The day he would strike her family for hatred and greed over the years. The day he could reclaim her eldest granddaughter that was in front of her, sitting cross-legged on the floor listening.

"It started with the wind." She began. "On a cold winter night, much like this. It was almost Christmas. But this Christmas was darker, less cheerful." "But I still believed in Santa, in magic, and miracles, and the hope that we could find joy again. But our village had given up on miracles and on each other." As if she were there, Eira could hear the arguments and struggles from the villagers, reminiscent of the people she had at her job. "And my family was no different. I tried to help them to believe again, but we were no longer the loving family I remembered." The whole family's hearts felt heavy as Omi continued. Reminding them how they acted towards each other.

"They too had given up. And eventually, so did I. And for the first time, I didn't wish a miracle. I wished for them to go away. A wish I would come to regret. And that night, in the darkness of a howling blizzard, I got my wish."

"I knew Saint Nicholas was not coming this year. Instead, it was a much darker, more ancient spirit. The shadow of Saint Nicholas. It was Krampus." Both Maxie and Eira looked at each with wide eyes then back to their grandmother. "And as he had for thousands of years, Krampus came not to reward, but to punish. Not to give, but to take." Eira trembled as heard the screams of people, the chains and knives, and the menacing laughter of the kidnapper. "He and his helpers. I could only listen as they dragged my family into the Underworld, knowing that I would be next. But Krampus didn't take me that night. He left me as a reminder of what happens when hope is lost when belief is forgotten, " "And the Christmas spirit dies." Both Omi and Eira said in unison.

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