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The wind blew harshly onto their faces but Klown didn't mind it for he had done this over a million times before, even the other commanders had their fair share of blizzards.

His chest swelled with pride and joy for his long old friend and master is inches away from finally reclaiming the woman that will fulfill his immortal life. It was painful to watch Krampus being depressed, 2 years the spirit had to suffer, the helpers try their best to maintain the thin veil of his patience. He had waited until she close to 19, and for the Engel family's Christmas spirit was at its lowest, but there was also one more-

The girl shielded her eyes from the rushing snow, she couldn't stop worrying about her family that was left behind for the elves to do whatever. The sound of her uncle's voice caused her to look over her captor's shoulder, "UNCLE!" she called out to the man instead of a callback, screams and beast-like snarling were made from afar. Unable to bear the disturbing commotion, Eira started to struggle and squirm within the jester's grasp. Trying to find a weak point of the coiled chain around her, but her movements gained Der Klown's attention instead.

Within a few seconds both of them struggling, the hook that kept Eira strapped to Klown's chest came loose and fell out of its place. Eira yelped when she tumbled backward out of Klown's arms then side rolled away from him. She managed to grab a part of the chain that was around Klown's tail before she was far away, she allowed the rest of her lower body to drag along the snow, pulling her upper body over the beast's tail to get herself out of the snow. Once she was completely up, she paused in horror as the toy soldier, who attempted to abduct her earlier, was gnawing on Howard's arm viciously. Howard tried effortlessly to shake off the hellspawn but its teeth cling onto his forearm and his attempts to get the mangy thing off his grip on Der Klown's tail were ceasing.

As she watched, the rage within her person started to grow. The same rage that formulated during Engels family dinner as well as the Halloween party from 2 years ago. Those were the few times that the rage surfaced out of the outside world. She was born with a variety of gifts and delights but had a small amount of rage or "The Shadow's Whisper" she would call it because it was a little whisper in the depths of her mind. When she was young, she easily dismissed this during life, she always loved being kind to others and helping those needs during the holiday season and spent all of her time with family. But as she got older the Shadow's Whisper began to grow and become louder as the family slowly lost the Christmas Spirit and distance from each other. And every time she tried to help her family believe in hope and love again, but a burning fire in her chest would spread when she was ignored.

When she met Ricky Cartwright, The Shadow's Whisper began to murmur into her ear uncomfortable warnings whenever he was near. The night at the party, the Shadow's Whisper surfaced from its home and punched the boy with an iron fist; she ran away before it could get out of control. As soon she made it home into the living room plopped down and sobbed with no one but her lonesome and the Shadow. She felt so betrayed and broken for what she witnessed shaking with sorrow, she trusted him as a friend any longer, possibly a lover to find out he wanted to use her for his lust needs. And for the first time, the Shadow was released.

She scattered throughout the house finding anything that had the face or the memory of Ricky torn to pieces and burned in the fireplace. Her vision could see red and her screams and yells of anger were heard from outside, trick or treaters run away from the noise luckily none of the neighbors nor her family were home to see her as a sad, broken monster. Her siblings and grandmother found her passed out on the floor with evidence of tears stains on her cheeks and the fire died out and a pile of ash was at its place.

The necklace started to glow once again but this time surges of its blood-red energy streamed out mixing within her Shadow, giving her scared widened eyes a shimmer of crimson. "STOP!" She shouted, extending a hand out towards them helplessly however the aura from the necklace transferred across her arm and shot out a red flash through her fingertips. The toy glanced upon his victim's arm and saw a cloud of red coming towards him. The blast strikes him so hard that not even the grip of his jaws couldn't aid him from being hurled into the storm.

Eira flinched when she heard the toy's screams as he vanished from her sight. Howard turns to Eira, her eyes returned to their original sapphire blue and her necklace's glow dulled, giving a nervous laugh. "Nice one kid!" She nodded in acknowledgment. The short comfort ended when Howard went pale and frightened. "EIRA! GET DOWN!" The latter didn't have time to react before a low branch from a pine whacked her across the face. The blow shoved her off of Klown's chained-up tail and into the frozen snow ground. Instead of a side roll like the last time she fell backward into a dark ditch, her uncle screamed out her name watching helplessly as she disappeared.

She screamed at the top of her lungs for help as rolled down. Her hands clawed the snow for anything to grab until her right hand finally grabbed hold of a root, causing her to slide down on her stomach and fortunately came to a stop at the edge of a cliff. However, the root couldn't withstand Eira's weight and snapped from its base. She shrieked bloody murder as she plunged down the steep trench, the magic glowed from the necklace sent pulses of red lights to signal any being near to find as she jounced down once again until the left side of her temple was struck by a rock that hiding underneath the snow knocking her clean. Blood began to pour. And the light from the crystal started to vanish into a dull red.

A flare of pain shot from his temple he gritted his fangs as clawed fingers pressed against his temple area. He didn't understand what was causing the discomfort until he felt it snap. With wide scared eyes and rapid panting, he desperately grips his heart feeling the bond between his Eira was withering. It felt as if it was being cut out one piece at a time with a scalpel blade. He realized that his love was in danger, out there in the cold freezing to death.

He whispered the word 'no' to himself as trembling hands traced up to clutches the sides of his slightly shaking head. "NEIN, DAS KANN NICHT SEIN! (NO, THIS CANNOT BE!)" He exclaimed, causing little Gingy to scurry far enough away and shake from fear rather than cold. Ginger maybe 10 years old and the youngest in the crew but that doesn't mean he was unaware of the situation. He knew that his master couldn't just leave the scene and search for Eira while the elves did his dirty work, he'll be breaking the code.

The horned spirit howled to his elfen minions to retreat from the Engel family so he could take control. And when Krampus takes the wheel he'll drive the Highway to Hell. "YOU!" Gingy jumped at the booming sound of his master's voice. "Tell the others to scatter every single inch of this neighborhood, they will leave nowhere untraced until they find my Eira. UNDERSTOOD?!" The small cookie nodded and took off frantically. After he watched him race back to the sleigh he leaped up from his original location to on top of the Engel household with a thunderous thud. His claws scratched the ice and snow off the roof exposing its black tiles, his growl was deep and animalistic, and his eyes glowed a blood-red haze filled with rage and pain.

A few feet away from the unconscious girl a small mound of snow popped up then Trommel's exposed head burst out, his eyes rolled around like rolling dice, and grunted in confusion as well as discomfort. He places both hands on the sides of his head then shakes slightly before opening his eyes once again. He gasped at the sight of the golden-haired beauty laying lifeless on the snow-covered ground. "Oh no," he trotted towards the body with concern. "No, no, no, no-" he chanted. "Miss? MISS ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" He pats her cheek, even yanking a strand of her hair to wake her up but nothing helps.

He noticed her pendant on the ground was a dull red. 'No please don't be dead!' He took a hold of the gem and tapped on it. "Come on, do something!" He growled at no one. "Stupid stone." All of a sudden a red flare flashed from the jewel forcing Trommel's small body away from the girl. His arms and legs were restrained by bare branches of trees, his head turned back and forth between each shackled limb trying to yank free from the snake-like fingers of tree limbs; however, these actions were in vain for the tree's grip grew tighter by each pull. He paused for a moment to feel a powerful presence near his person he faced forward to see his true captor.

 He paused for a moment to feel a powerful presence near his person he faced forward to see his true captor

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"Oh frostbite."

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