Final Judgment/Elven Calvary

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A/N: Hey guys & gals, if you like this story go check out some of the others I'm working on and share with your friends and fans. If any of you have requests for stories later on let me know RIGHT AWAY! Make sure you Vote, Comment, and Follow my page. Blessed be Christmas & New Year!

I turned around and was face to face with dark shadow eyes and a porcelain face painted to be a type of clown. What received my attention was the jaw, the chin was split into two parts revealing a mouthful of countless sharp teeth. He grinned at me as if he were a little child seeing a best friend. From the corner of my eye, I saw the snake-like, pink polka dot lower half of his body with a small box at the end with a little crank on the side. Without hesitation, he yanked me away from my mother, causing me to lose my grip on the assassin doll, and slithered backward away from the two. Taking me with it.

I cried out for help, but the jester's friends were keeping my parents and Aunt busy. The creature turned itself around and headed to a vent, I scrambled my legs around, kicking anything to try to slow down my captor. Either I kicked a bowling ball or a soccer ball, causing the sound. Both the clown and I looked at our right side, seeing a stack of boxes slowly tumbling towards us. I elbowed the clown at the flank then barrel-rolled as soon he let go.

I lost balance when I was far enough away, landed face first with a thud, I groaned as I lifted myself. I checked behind, seeing the jester must have escaped from the tumbling mountain of boxes. Where did he go? I turned in front to make a run for it, but something caught my eye. Something that made me sparkle like a little anime girl.

A metal baseball bat.

Did I mention that Ricky used to be a baseball player, team captain even? He taught me how to make a proper swing, when to hit, and all of the basics of baseball. I got up to my feet and trotted to the hidden weapon, which was halfway from my current position. Then suddenly a red ribbon wrapped around both of my ankles, causing me to fall into the boxes where the bat lived. I turned my head, with wide eyes watched as a 7-inch toy soldier with eyes black as coal and needle-like fangs that tear someone's face-off, clutching a ribbon wand where the ribbon that kept me in tight bondage.

He started yanking the ribbon dragging me towards him, fearing the outcome I tried clawing my way to the bat. No matter how hard I struggled against him, the toy soldier would tug harder and faster as if his life depended on it. My eyes were shut and my hands extended to the bat. The only thing in my mind was for the bat to come to me. Within seconds a somewhat rough feeling of a grip touched my palms, I opened my eyes seeing the bat was in my grasp. I turned to a starstruck toy and swung the bat. His metal body collided with the barrel sending him to a wooden beam.

I managed to kick off the ribbon and stand up. I gazed upon the bat in fascination scanning every inch. Did I do that? I lifted my head where Aunt Linda screamed at the savage bear with rage. I held out a hand, focusing on a weapon for Aunt Linda testing out my theory. Without a second to spare an ax flew to my hand like magic. I twirled the bat in hand, before charging to my Aunt.

She tossed the bear, who desperately clawed the icicle in his eye socket to come out, into a dark space of the wall. She growled, tearing off her yarn headbands as I handed the ax to her. She swung it at the string of Christmas light that the angel wrapped around my mother's neck to choke her. Freeing Mom while I swung my bat causing the angel to fly into junk somewhere. I went over to Dad where the tin robot stood on his back. The thunderstruck robot did nothing as I whacked it away from my father.

My mother went on her knees helping me pull out the scissors off his back. We sighed in relief as we managed to pull it out. "Thanks, honey." Dad praised Mom. "You okay?" "Yeah, you and-" "LOOK OUT!" I shrieked when the robot rose from the fallen boxes. Before I could take a swing, Mom took the pistol shooting the miserable creature three times.

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