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Kageyama hated the way that text sounded. He got a super bad feeling from it, making him jump out of bed and rush to Hinata's house in the rain. 

Of course, the text could have been accidental. But, it didn't seem that way. It seemed too out of the blue, too serious for Hinata. 

Once he got to Hinata's house, he knocked on the door still catching his breath. After a few seconds with no response, he knocks again. No answer again. Kageyama gets kind of freaked out, and tries to open the door. Surprisingly, the door is unlocked. Kageyama rushes in the house, calling out for anyone. No one responds. Kageyama rushes upstairs to Hinata's room. He opens the door, and no ones in there. He sees a light on in a different room down the hall, and opens that door. It's a bathroom.

Kageyama gasps. His eyes widen, tears starting to tease the corners of his eyes.

Hinata's lying in the bath, fully clothed and there's no water in the bath. His orange hair looks more red, due to blood flowing out of his arms and down the side of the tub. Kageyama can't tell where the blood is from. There's just so much blood. Too much blood. Kageyama starts to rush over to Hinata, pulling out his phone. He dials 1-1-9 quickly and presses talk. 

"Come on... come on..." Kageyama says, tears flowing from his deep blue eyes. The person on the other line picks up the phone.

"119, what's your emergency?"

"Fuck... I... my friend. Blood. Lots of blood." Kageyama struggles to get out.

"Take a deep breath. Try to explain what's happening, sir." The voice responds. Kageyama takes a deep breath.

"My friend. He's bleeding. So much blood. I think it's from his arm? I can't tell. He's passed out."

"Where are you?"

"U-um, xxx, xxxxx street."

"Help is on the way. Stay on the phone with me. It'll be okay. Can you check his pulse? Is he breathing?" The reassuring voice asks.

"Y-yeah..." Kageyama responds. "His heart is beating and h-he's still breathing."

"Okay, is there anything in the wound that caused the cut?"

"N-no. There's a razor blade though. It's not in any of the cuts."

"Okay. Can you get any kind of cloth? A bed sheet will work."

"Yeah. O-okay. One moment." Kageyama rushes to Hinata's room, looking through his closet for bed sheets. He finds a few, grabs them, and brings them back to the bathroom.

"Okay, I have sheets. What do I do now?"

"Press them against where the bleeding is coming from and apply pressure."

Kageyama starts to follow the voices directions, wrapping one bedsheet around Hinata's arm. He wraps the other around Hinata's other arm. 

"I'm applying pressure." 

"Now, you just have to keep applying pressure and wait for help. It'll be okay. Stay on the phone with me, though."

"Thank you..." Kageyama looks at the small boy silently. He did this to himself. Why? Why didn't he tell me? He tried to kill himself... He could've been dead... Kageyama's thoughts all jumble into each other as he hopes that this is all just some terrible nightmare. But, he knew it wasn't. It was too real. The small teen really was bleeding to death. He looks so small, so weak. He never looked like that before to Kageyama. He was always this happy, annoying, little pipsqueak. But, Kageyama wouldn't be able to live without him. 

The sharp sounds of the ambulance make their way down the street. Kageyama hears people rush in the house, and they take Hinata away. It all happens too fast. 

Depressed HinataWhere stories live. Discover now