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"Wanna go out with me?"

Hinata stops dead in his tracks. Kageyama stops a few steps ahead of him once he realizes Hinata stopped. Kageyama turns around to see Hinata looking at the ground. Hinata bursts out into tears.

"Woah! Stop crying!!" Kageyama panics, walking over to Hinata. "If you didn't want to, you should have just said so." He growls. 

"No! I want to! I want to!" Hinata sobs. "I do!"

"Then, why are you crying?" Kageyama asks.

"I don't know!! I just am!!" Hinata wails.

"Hey, stop yelling, someones going to call the police."

"Okay... okay... I'm sorry." Hinata sniffles.

"You're stupid."

"I know." 

"So, you'll date me?"

"Yeah. I will." Hinata grins up at Kageyama, tears still wetting his face.

"You're a dumbass." Kageyama hugs Hinata.

"Yeah. I am, aren't I?" Hinata laughs. "So, you gonna kiss me, or?"

"Boke Hinata boke."

"Okay, fine."

"I never said no." Kageyama pulls away from the hug just enough to pull Hinata into a kiss. The kiss is brief, they're in public after all. But, it's electric, sending shivers down Hinata's spine.

"I really like you." Hinata smiles sheepishly. "Kageyama, my boyfriend. I like the sound of that." He starts marching down the road, his tears all dried up. Kageyama follows, his hands stuffed in his pocket. 

"Where are we going?" Kageyama asks.

"I guess we're just going back to my house. There's still a bit until my mom gets back, so we can hang out!" Hinata's eyes gleam. 


"I got a boyfriend! I got a boyfriend!" Hinata chants in a sing song voice.

"Shut up." Kageyama groans.

"Mm!" Hinata hums in response. 

Soon, they're back at Hinata's house, in Hinata's room. 

"Hinata, why did you do it?" Kageyama asks as they walk into his room.

"Why did I do what?" Hinata sits down on his bed and Kageyama sits down beside him.

"Try to kill yourself." Kageyama stares at Hinata, his eyes intense. Hinata glances at his face, turning away quickly.

"I hate myself. And I hate my life. I hate that I cause everyone so much trouble, and everyone has to constantly care for me. I hate that I don't add anything to anyones life. So, I thought it would be better if I was gone. It would be better. I get that people would be sad, but in the long run it'll be better." Hinata states, but he sounds uncertain, like he's trying to convince himself that it's true.

"I thought you would be more reluctant to tell me." Kageyama admits. Then, he sighs, digging his fingers into Hinata's head. "Boke Hinata boke!!"

"Hey! Stop it, meanie!" Hinata whines.

"You're fucking stupid!" 

"Hey, don't insult me!"

"Well, maybe be smarter! First of all, things wouldn't be better with you gone! Everyone would never get over it. And what about Kenma? Or Tanaka and Noya? They would be depressed! And, second of all, if you feel you should die for the sake of everyone else, then be selfish! Stay alive for yourself!" Kageyama snaps. Hinata stares at Kageyama, his mouth agape.

Depressed HinataWhere stories live. Discover now