Chapter Two- A New Ferrari

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Braedey was in the zen garden in his backyard.

He was sitting in a Lotus position by the waterfall and his eyes were shut tight

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He was sitting in a Lotus position by the waterfall and his eyes were shut tight.

He was sitting in a Lotus position by the waterfall and his eyes were shut tight

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"Peaceful, peaceful! Zen." He said firmly, as he started taking deep breaths.

With each breath, Braedey felt more calm and relaxed. Although his eyes were shut, he saw a beautiful jungle waterfall by using his mind which most people refer to as a third eye.

 Although his eyes were shut, he saw a beautiful jungle waterfall by using his mind which most people refer to as a third eye

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"I'm just in a jungle spring, with the fish, right now. I hear the sound of rushing waterfalls and singing birds everywhere. I am one with nature. I have no anger. There is nothing but peace, quiet and tranquility. I am balanced." Braedey said calmly, as he visualized himself swimming with the fish around him.

Within his mind, all he hears is the sound of the waterfalls flowing into the lake combined with singing birds. This relaxing combination of natural sounds was very soothing to Braedey, and he feels at peace. Braedey knows how to meditate this deep because he was trained in the Shaolin Temple of Henan Province in China when he learned Wushu. The Shaolin monks at the temple also trained him to harness Chi to control his own body temperature, and even make himself immune to all matter of physical pain. In fact, the training that Braedey underwent at the Henan Province Shaolin Temple gave him an inhumanly high threshold for pain, so nothing can hurt him. James approached his son and put a warm hand on his shoulder.

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