Chapter Five- Girl Trouble

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Braedey woke up the next morning, and went downstairs for breakfast. Much to his surprise and shock, Naomi and Jessie were back. Jessie was overjoyed to see her brother.

"Big brother! It's so nice to see you again." She said.

"The feeling is mutual, Jessie. You don't know how happy I am to see both of you again." Braedey replied, as he hugged his little sister.

Karen walked over with a wide grin on her face.

"In case you're wondering, Roxanne just got booted out of the house, and dad filed out a restraining order against her. So she cannot come within ten feet of us. Unless of course she wants her sorry carcass to be thrown in jail for 50 years." She said.

"Good riddance. I hated that jabroni with a burning passion. So I'm glad she's gone. Although I wouldn't mind seein' her get dragged off to jail." Braedey replied.

"I'm right there with ya. But for now, I have something for you." Naomi said, as she held up a shiny pair of Ferrari keys.

Braedey's eyes widened as he took the keys.

"You made these?" He asked.

"I did a little key forging here and there. And I heard about how ya bought her from The Rock. I sure wish I could've been around to see it." Naomi answered.

"Well, then what are ya waiting for? Come on. I'll show ya my new car. She's a beauty." Braedey said.

They went outside and Braedey brought the Ferrari out of the garage. Naomi was surprised to see that her son had restored a 1962 Ferrari 250 GTO. But she agreed with him on the car being pretty.

"She was missing a wheel when we got her. But dad and I were able to replace it. I took care of the rest. And as you can see, I gave her a nice new look. Ferraris do look good in red. But I think blue suits her better." He said.

"I agree with ya. She definitely looks better than she was when you bought her." Naomi replied.

Unbeknownst to anyone, Jessie climbed into the driver's seat and honked the horn, nearly scaring Braedey out of his own skin.

"Go easy, Jessie. Ya almost killed me. Haven't you ever heard about dying of fright?" Braedey asked.

"No. I haven't." Jessie answered, as she climbed out of her brother's car.

"Trust me, you don't wanna know what it feels like because dying of fright really lives up to the name. Literally." Braedey replied.

"Say, Braedey. Could you run me to the electronic store? There's something I need to take care of there." Karen asked.

"Of course. Anything for my older sister." Braedey replied, as he climbed into the driver's seat and closed the door.

Karen got into the passenger seat next to Braedey and he fired up the engine. Naomi and Jessie waved as they left.


Braedey and Karen arrived at the electronic store and parked in front of the entrance. Braedey shut down the engine and looked at Karen.

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