Embracing the curse prt. 1

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At first glance you would think a peasant running through the woods, from the kingdom or chasing by a pack of wild boars.

But no. A prince, soon to be king is on the run. He wears peasant clothes, to not get spotted, he doesn't want to stop and explain why he had no guards.

He stops by a small creak, as he pants in the mid afternoon breeze. He reaches over to his belt, only to find the map gone.

Panic looms over his head. Nick looks around but can't find it. The Forrest seemed to go on forever, until he found a small village.

Only a small child seemed to notice him, and waved. He waves back.

The girl walks towards him, and says in sigh language
Hello my name is Charlie

Nick smiles and asks in sign language,
Hello young one, I'm nick, are you deaf or mute?

She raises her hand to her throat, and it was then that he noticed the large healing scar on her neck."
Oh, I'm so sorry." He pities, a man walks over.

"who's this?" He looks from me Charlie.

"I'm Nick," he holds put a hand, the other man shoves Nicks hand away, "so, what brings you here nick?"

"I'm looking for someone. Who are you?"
"Mel." He replies. "And that someone wouldn't so happen to be a witch... Would it?"

"Is one near?" Nick fidgeted with his pockets some, he nods his head and points to a thicker part of the woods.

Nick sighs as waves, "goodbye! It wa nice meeting you, and I hope you're neck will heal soon!"

A little while later Nick swears the leaves are trying to kill him. His skin feels sticky from sweat too.

But it's near sun down and he reaches a small clearing with a house, and fire going.

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