Chapter 14: Horse Riding

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Every time Dalena would encounter Andrea, she would always mention about the Duke's matters and insist that Dalena liked the Duke.

Dalena was getting tired of it so now, she avoided Andrea every time she saw her. Just now, she sighed in relief when Andrea passed by. Therefore, she proceeded to go to Little George to start her day.

For today, they were supposed to go to the horse-riding track but instead, they were oriented to go the outer part of the estate. The surroundings almost resembled a track in the mountains, with the bumpy uncemented road and lots of pinecone trees surrounding the track.

While looking around, Dalena remembered that Max, George's horse-riding instructor, did mention that the little boy was now ready to horse-ride in the uneven track so he would let him try that in the next lesson.

However, Dalena found it odd because Max was not there. As far as she knew, Max was always on time and was never late during Little George's lessons.

"Papa!" George suddenly yelled.

The sound of that name immediately made Dalena shiver and unconsciously, she looked at the direction where George was looking at.

The Duke was there, walking towards them with a calm expression. Dalena noticed the Duke's shoes first, which was different from the usual ones he would wear. Instead of formal closed shoes, he wore boots. His white long-sleeved shirt also seemed to be different since the material was obviously lighter, making it partly transparent.

Finishing his look with his usual black pants, the Duke looked like the ancient noblemen that are depicted in the movies.

"I told you, didn't I? I will be the one to teach you today." Luke said in a warm voice.

George nodded happily to Luke and even stretched out his arms, showing his happiness.

"Yeay!" the little boy replied.

As Little George insisted to put his horse-riding equipment on his own, Luke stared at Dalena, who immediately avoided his stare.

Even though it has already been a week, it was still impossible for Dalena to forget what happened last week. She was still embarrassed but of course, since she was working, she had to greet him.

"Good afternoon, Your Grace." she said in a formal voice.

Luke nodded casually at Dalena, even though she couldn't see it because she was avoiding his eyes. Then, her heart raced a little when Luke suddenly reached out for something behind her, seemingly a horse-riding equipment.

Luke's shoulder brushed a little with Dalena's so her whole body became stiff.

Luke noticed this and raised his eyebrows at her expression before turning to Little George and helping him sit on his horse.

Compared to before, the little boy was now able to raise himself up on the adult horse by himself. However, Luke was still worried so he still assisted him in case an accident happened.

Once the little boy was already set on the horse, it felt natural for him as he took the reins and started to walk the horse slowly.

"You go walk by yourself first..." Luke murmured.

With his father's signal, George rode the horse at a faster pace.

Looking at Little George's shadow disappearing into the track, Luke was not worried since they were at their estate and especially, he hired a lot of hidden guards to look over the little boy. He recruited new ones ever since Little George faced that encounter in Lonsdale Imperial Suites.

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