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Midge couldn't reach that hotel room fast enough. To everyone else it looked fancy, but to Midge it was a strategic point. This hotel was one of the oldest in the Lower-Levels—in the Colony, and for the most part, E-portal proof.

The main door was nice and thick and Midge dragged Lydia in and bolted it.

"Wow." Lydia gasped. "Look at this place."

But Midge didn't. He had no time to take in the long entranceway. Beyond it was a set of sliding doors he knew no doubt led to a huge bed. That wasn't his concern; safeguarding the room was.

Another gasp from Lydia meant she'd seen the area beyond those sliding doors, and she was quite vocal in her delight.

"I don't even drink but I'm dying to try this. Look at these."

Midge rushed to a small window in the entranceway, muttering, "Can't expect less from the honeymoon suite."

A dainty hand slipped around his waist and he picked his arm up to regard Lydia's pleased smile.

"Yeah, I had noticed that."

He took in her bright cheeks and pleasant expression and almost calmed. Though this wasn't the time, he could admit that she was nice to look at. And if they made it out of this alive, he'd be sure to keep that good memory no matter where he ended up.

Midge regretted not leaving when he had the chance. Deep down, he appreciated Lydia's affection as she leaned into him—it was electrifying. He even appreciated each blush Lydia had in reaction to him.

The hotel they'd chosen was a nice one, and the room was topnotch. It would have been better if Midge had any money, but he never took credits as payment. He never took affection, either.

Though they weren't as high up as Big Henry, which would afford Lydia the best view, they could still see a great deal of buildings from here.

Lydia stood behind him, holding tight as she leaned around to look down. "Oh wow. We're high as ever."

Unlike the other insincere attempts at garnering attention, Lydia was serious when she eased into Midge with a shiver.

"Fuck, that's high."

Midge chuckled. "This is nothing compared to that." He gestured to the building in the distance and managed to calm his beating heart—he needed the distraction.

"It is amazing, though." Lydia breathed out, safely tucked at Midge's side. "It's sorta weird, but pretty how the buildings all look like they should fall, but they don't, you know?"

"Less pretty and more tragic," Midge said, easing back. He thought better of it when Lydia reached down to hold his backside. Brushing the hand off as discretely as he could, Midge pointed. "See those there, those two. If you look at the base, you'll see that it looks fixed, yet there's nothing there."


A hand slipped around between Midge's legs and he flinched. Face warming, Midge decided to keep on with his efforts for a distraction.

"I'm sorry," Lydia said. "Is it uncomfortable?"

Midge didn't answer, instead, he continued with his explanation. "E's carry their homes on their backs. That's what we say. So when we open a portal, we actually...." He cleared his throat when Lydia maneuvered herself until his left arm rested on her shoulder. "We head home."

"I'm not sure I get what you mean," Lydia whispered.

"Well, there are seven known realms of reality. We exist in the second realm."

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