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"A drink? Really? A drink?" Lydia asked, sucking at her teeth. "I'm going to miss a chance to escape over a damn drink?"

Midge leaned back against the wall by one shoulder, mirroring Lydia's posture as they stared at the onslaught of people. The glass wall guarding them from a sharp fall, offered a clear view of entire floor and the one below it.

"It's a pretty rare drink. Organic, too. And what chance of escape? You go through calamity like imps go through entrails." He paused and they shared a glance. Eventually, Midge shrugged. "I'm not as good as my brother at one-liners. I'll work on it."

Lydia shook her head as more and more guests entered the room below. "This is insane."

Despite the strange structure of the room, it was the positioning of the other rooms that truly caught the eye. The many glass walls, some with curtains drawn, suggested the entire floor was a large circle. In the very center was a miniature version of the arena where Midge fought, and nearly died, days prior.

Midge fought back a smirk as he shrugged. "So you had a date, huh?"

"Shut up."

"I mean, it's sorta sweet and all," Midge chuckled. "Kinda like a storybook romance."

"Shut it."

"And you're just the one to make Joshua change his ways, I'll bet. You'll give him a stern talking to, and to prove his devotion to you, he'll turn over a new stone and become the love of your life. It'll be perfect."

Lydia fought back the urge to kick him.

"Isn't Joshua looking for you?" Midge asked.

Grumbling, Lydia confessed, "Told him I had to go to the loo. He suggested coming here." She shuddered. "I don't even want to think of how many pervy cameras he's got lining the walls."

Right eyebrow raised, Midge chuckled. "You do have a point." At Lydia's groan, he looked studied the wall. "I can't get over how fast he's getting this set up." Midge asked, "Is it looking like a wedding to you, or is it just me?"

Stifling a whimper, Lydia stepped closer to the glass and peered out. The room itself confused her. It was the bedroom she'd been given, the same one she'd prepared in, but behind the curtain, a glass wall afforded a wide view of the dining area below where servants hurried about. It felt less like a place to look out but rather a way for others to look in. They were high enough up so that wouldn't be the case.

She'd thought the glass was for aesthetics but now she was uncertain.

Leaning forward against it, Lydia muttered. "I guess I had this coming. What business did I have taking a dowry from a man I wasn't going to marry, anyway?"

Beyond the transparent prison, servants bustled around the large table. Each colorful assortment of confectionery had Lydia shaking her head.

She turned and sunk to the ground.

"This is the worst day of my life."

Midge sat beside her, his back against the glass wall as well.

"Hey. It's probably just a joke. Besides, who'd get married after one night? Maybe Joshua had a party planned all along and he's just making it fancier to impress you."

Lydia tucked her head between her knees, running her fingers through her newly styled hair.

"I'm doomed."

Midge held her shoulder at first, and then caressed her back.

"I'm serious." He gestured up and around. "It's probably not what it looks like."

The Nobleman's Masterpiece ✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن