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The latter part of that hour saw them traveling under the city. The look on Lydia's face made Midge worry but he decided not to comment on it.

Instead he said, "I'll get you home." Nothing. Not even a sound in response. They stumbled into one tunnel after another and Midge stopped when he realized he was by himself. He spun around, quite surprised to find nothing. The tunnel lay in darkness but that shouldn't have been a problem; any reasonable person would just keep going forward.

Midge doubled back and bumped into something. He wasn't sure what to make of Lydia standing there, unmoving. Despite her wide-eyed expression, she stared at nothing he could make out. Silent, he reached out for her and she grabbed his hand.

"Mr. Osbourne?"

"Yeah." Midge tugged her on, confused but in no position to waste time. He took one step to turn and froze, blinded by the white light that fell over them. "What in the hell?"

Lydia squeezed his hand, desperate and relieved. "You can see it, too?"

Midge could see...it, whatever this was. It was a room, unending and brighter than any other he'd ever encountered in the Colony. It was also impossible. The tunnels they traveled were narrow and dingy.

"Don't move," Lydia said, tightening her hold. "I hear a strange sound."

But Midge defied her and twisted from her grip. As soon as he did, the black tunnel engulfed him once more. He was back, looking at their path. That didn't do much for Lydia. He tried to make sense of it. Here she was, standing before him, but unable to focus.

Then it dawned on him and he held her shoulder. This time when the white room came, he looked around it, saddened.

"We're in a house—a pretty powerful one."

"A house?" Lydia asked, panicked. "What kind of house?"

"An E house," Midge explained. "Its owner might have been a woman, maybe that's why it's reaching out to you."

"It's—it's alive?"

With a nod, Midge said, "All things E's create use our life-force, even a cup. Pump enough power into anything and it can take on life. I don't know why it's trying to let you command it like this, but we'd better go before we get trapped."

Midge managed to take a step but Lydia wasn't as fortunate.

"It hurts."

She was right—there was a pull. As much as Midge eased her back, something dragged her forward, too.

Midge stepped close to her, his hand on her waist as he leaned in and whispered against the nape of her neck. "That fear you feel, it'll do no good. I'm here with you and I won't leave you here. I promise. But let go a little."

Lydia's body still tensed. "You don't get it, something's dragging me."

"Then let it. I'm here." He held her close and waited. "I'm here," he repeated.

And then the world faded and came back with a bang. What Midge saw of the structure amazed and terrified him but making Lydia panic would only awaken the house even more. He willed himself to calm and lie—he had no idea how to leave this damn house.

"There we go. Look how nice it is. Let's look around a bit then go back."

Lydia swallowed hard. "We can go back?"

"Course. Here." Midge extended his hand. "Wanna see something clever about our homes? We don't really have to move. The rooms can come to us. Let's see what sort of weapons we're dealing with. Maybe then we can figure out who owned this place."

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