Chapter 6: A Painful Life

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Mahi woke up and went downstairs after refreshing to leave for her and Varun's new home where the driver was waiting for her. During the drive, she called Mr. Singh.

"Hello Mr. Singh, I want to ask you something?"

"First call me father or Uncle, then you are allowed to ask anything," he said giggling over the phone.

She stared at the phone *Was he a mafia king or what?!* back to call, " U-Uncle is more comfortable for now.. sorry... so I wanna ask you what's with that 30% shares? "

"oh, that... I did that so we would have a chain to control his power in case he knows about you. Also, he can't divorce you easily as he could lose a large section of the company." He said coolly.

"But it's too much, he thought, I asked you for it. He was... kinda mad", Mahi mumbled the last part.

"What?! he didn't hurt you, right?... I m going to break his legs if he did!!" Mr Singh was fuming now.

"No no!! h-he... he didn't do anything. We just had a little conversation about it." Mahi was aware of the relationship between Varun and Mr. Singh. She doesn't want to make it worse.

"Hmm... let me know if something happens and about the launch as I promised I will help you, but right now it's not good to continue your work... let this thunder settle a bit until that, rest... I need to go now, bye dear." They hang up after saying goodbye.

She reached their new house and was about to enter but stopped when she spots Varun also coming out of his car.

He saw her and made a cold disgusted face before stepping inside to his room. She also entered after him and was greeted by maids.

Suddenly they heard a loud thud and his groaning. Mahi rushes upstairs and saw her suitcase thrown on the floor. Her clothes were scattered around. He reached her and grabbed a handful of her hair, making her scream in pain.

"You bitch!! Trying to get in my room huh!!" he shouts at her dragging her into his room and throws her on the floor.

"Pick your bags and things from here and get out. NOW!!" Varun growled at her.

She gasped and saw around. Her belongings were shifted in Varun's rooms by servants. Not creating a problem for them, she got up quietly sobbing and took her things out and tell a maid to clean his room.

The maid apologizes to her for shifting her things to his room as told by Mr Singh. She just sighed and weakly smiled.

"It's fine... I understand." with that, she was about to leave when a voice echoed in the gallery.

"All maids are fired! everyone, leave this house." Varun said out of his room.

"Then who will do cleaning and other households" Mahi protest for their livelihood.

"You!! You are not planning to eat and sleep for free, are you?" he roared and told maids to leave.

"So from now on, you will stay at home and take care of it. If I found you disobeying, I will kick you out. Go and prepare my breakfast. NOW!!" he roared on her face

He commands her before heading back to his room, where Mahi flinched on his shutting door.

After an hour, Varun came down ready to leave for office. Mahi called him as she prepared the best breakfast she can. She put the plate in front of him and bring him some juice. When she turned around, she saw Varun throwing the food in the dustbin and threw the plate at her foot.

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