Chapter 13: A Good Day

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Mahi wakeup from sleep and gaze at bed but Varun was not there. Meanwhile....

"WHAT!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" Varun shouts at his assistant on phone.

"S-Sorry sir... all return flights were booked for today so I booked for tomorrow as apologies I reserved a famous restaurant there for you and Mrs. Singh tonight. Please enjoy this as your day off."

"This man!!....hey! you get paid to work for me not for my father!!" he blubbered.

"Sorry Sir." and he hung up.

He look at his phone screen in disbelief and get back to room. Mahi was at balcony eating breakfast, so he reached her. She looked up at this huge figure with mouth full of pasta.

"Hi Good Morning, you wanna some?" she showed the pizza in her hand. He didn't response but take seat beside her and keep staring making her embarrassed. "You wanna say something?" she broke the tension.

"Yes.... where are you parents? what do they do?" she stopped eating as he asked.

"I lost them... " Varun expression change so as Mahi's but her in sad smile "I lost them at age of 9 in a house burn. Since then my uncle raised me. I spent few time with them but because of that accident, I had only few memory of them like how they looked and some few incidents."

"What about your uncle, where is he?" he asked.

"H-He.... He died in an accident. He was always there for me even in his last breath he just protect me and left from this world." A tear escaped but she whip it quickly and force a small smile 

"What about you.... tell me something about your mother. I saw her picture she was beautiful."

"Hmm.... she was. She was the most beautiful and lovely woman in my life, who always give me happy days. Ever since she left I carve for her to return." he looked at sky.

"Me too, I didn't remember my parent's voices so I wanted to hear them for once but they are no longer to call me by my name or any pet name." She chuckled bitterly.

"By the way how do you know mom's looks" he raised an eyebrow at her.

"Well remember I accidentally get in your room I saw a picture of a boy and a woman, I guess they were you and your mother." she replied.

"You even touched my things!" he frown at her.

"No no I just saw.... *silence*  well you are lucky you at least have her picture. but I... don't have any memory of them. Everything was burnt in that fire." she looked at sky

"I wish I could be with them again." he stared at her like he wanted to do something comfort for her.

"Did you visit Eiffel Tower?" he asked out of nowhere.

"You yourself said Don't go anywhere! " she said heavying her voice and similar expression to Varun. But he just give death glare at her making her gulp hard.

"Get ready we are going" he said standing up.

"where?...." she also stand up with confused look.

"Eiffel tower. 10 min, reception, or I will leave you alone" with that he leave.

"Did I hear right?! He is taking me out!" she had an idiotic smile plastered.

After 10 mins she reached reception found Varun waiting for her. They leave the hotel and walk to the street viewing beautiful culture and buildings, Mahi was smiling and clicking pictures but Varun was just wearing his cold look.

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