Chapter 27: Hidden Past

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"Mahi you think our first meet was in new York?" Mr. Singh asked and she nod. he sigh with a sad smile.

"Child we met first when you were just 2 years old"

"W-What? I-Is this w-why I always accidently call you U-Uncle?.." her eyes shut open.

"I guess yes, I went to Mumbai for Mafia mission under my boss command and that time Naresh also use to live there.

When I went to met him, you were playing on the floor. you ran to me and hug my legs, giggling, I was a bit confused because I was sure he wasn't married nor he had children. But then he show up and took you in his arms.

On asking he told me you were his niece and your parents leave you there for sometime. You were laughing seeing at me I don't know why but your smile gave me relaxation like my son's.

Your sparkling eyes embraced a whole universe. I forgot my all problems like I m with my family.  That's how we met for first time.

After that every month I came to India for two days to meet Naresh and he always bring you together. We play in our free time and you use to call me Bullet uncle.

In those two day I live like kid with you. We were so close, once you cried because of a horror movie and me and Naresh also cry with you haha.

You always take my side and we together pull pranks on Naresh. We always call you Angel. Not only adorable but also you were very brave.

One time you little 3-foot, scold a 6 foot bodyguard because he was sleeping during his duty. 

Even though I get to meet you once a month I see you raising like my child... smart, intelligent, cute, pretty. If I had a daughter I would have raised her like you.

You were the  princess of your parents and our little star. Once I also brought Varun to India when you both were 5 years. You guys became so friendly and starts calling honey to each other in just an hour of meeting."

"But why I d-didn't remembered anything?...." she gave surprised looks.

"That is also because of me, Mahi What I m gonna tell is, me and Naresh deal to never let you know but I think its your right I shouldn't hide it. Please forgive me. You will hate me after knowing it."

"I work as a left hand of my Mafia boss. One day he command me to kill a scientist . He didn't told me his name instead, he give me the address to burn that house in Bengaluru.

 I went to India and reached the house and broke in. I cut the gas line and set a boom, when I was about to leaving, my eyes fell on a photo frame of your family.

I was shocked. I heard crying so I ran to room and found you struggling to breath. I quickly pick you up and jump out of window. As soon as we were out, the boom blast and your house was on fire.

I heard your mom and dad scream. My mind stopped working. You were crying in my hands. The house started to fell so I pick you up and took you with me.

But as I turned, Naresh was gazing with disbelief to burning house and his brother's and sister-in-law's screaming. You were already fainted in my hand."


"D-Dhruv y-you" Naresh's eye fell on him and little Mahi.

"Naresh believe me I didn't knew it was M-Mahi's f-father... " he shutter.

Before Naresh could say anything they heard police and ambulance siren. Naresh glace at Mahi's faint little figure.

"D-Dhruv we h-have to save Mahi.... take her to railway station... quickly cover your face I will come after sorting this. Go! go RUN!" Naresh push him to leave tearing.

After they left, Naresh try to save Mahi's parents with fire fighters but it was too late there was no trace of them, even their burnt body was not left.

On other hand Dhruv was running on street with faint Mahi in his arms toward station. After 2 hours Naresh came panting and search for them.

He called and Dhruv tell him to reach behind the station. As he reached he snatch Mahi from his hand.

"W-why you did that?! Why you killed Mahi's parents!! W-why you killed my brother and sister-in-law? you were like my brother and Mahi's favorite.... HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO US!!" Naresh burst out.

"M-My B-boss trick me, he give me this a-address and told to burn it but didn't give me any detail. I was such a fool that I didn't enquired a-and... "  he hold his hair.

"That's why I never told you about my bother's profession! Those gangster were behind him to make them new weapons... and threat him to kill his family, even police weren't any help, they were all mixed."

" A-And now, Mahi lost her family because of you. What I will tell her when she will ask me for her mother, her father!! you have your son CAN YOU SEE HIM LIVING LIKE ORPHAN IN THIS WORLD!!? YOU RUINED HER LIFE!! H-Her own bullet uncle killed her parent... H-How will she face this?!" Naresh shout at him.

"I-I... " He looks down at his eyes were tearing. "She is not alone.. she is my daughter too... I will adopt her and raise her happily."

"Have you lost it!!.. if your boss knows he will harm her!! Mahi is a genius mind, if they get her they will use her too and kill her. You yourself don't know from where and when you got attacked by your enemies. You think I will give her to you and put in danger... our Mahi don't deserve such life." Naresh took a step back.

"I m sorry... I-I m so sorry angel. How will I live with this burden?" he fell on his knees and face palm himself.

"I-I will take Mahi to States with me. I saved you today but now you have to repay us Dhruv....You have to hide our records from those gangs... only you can do this...  after we left promise me you will never come infront of her and always be her protecting shadow... after all you took her happiness... " Naresh said covering Mahi in a cloth.

"Alright I will do anything to repay your family... please take care of her and yourself... I will be in touch without anyone's knowing and about my boss... I will make that bastard to regret it." he said clenching his fist on his last words. 

Naresh bring Mahi to Mumbai and fly to USA  where a Dhruv came back to London and lie his boss that the whole family is burnt.


"After I return, I make my own mafia group Shadow and took that bastard's position..

I came to New York once a years to see you from distance. I miss those happy days, our mischiefs." he sigh.

"Naresh meet me secretly but didn't let me talk you. I understand it.. but he was a great man, because of me he lost his only brother but still he understand me and forgive me, he didn't let misunderstanding broke our friendship."

"After Varun's mother died I got what Naresh referred that day... I lost my own lovely wife and Varun's affection... I-I realized how it feels to lose your people... even though I couldn't turn the time but I made it my aim to protect my each and every person including You, Varun, Naresh by gaining all powers and then I become Mafia King of my time... "

"but see the fate still hurt them even I try so hard... I m sorry Mahi Please forgive your Uncle.. p-please forgive me..." He hold Mahi's motionless hand joining and put his head on them and starts crying.

Here Mahi couldn't digest this truth, she just close her eyes. This man whom she trusted, is one who killed her parents, took her happiness, made her orphan, away from her country is now begging for forgiveness.

Her eyes were streaming even she try not to shed tears. She bit her shaking lips to control her sobs.

Little do they know someone else was also shedding tears listen her past. Varun.... he was listening them from behind the door opened a bit.

His knees gave up and fall on floor. He was disgusted by himself for hurting such a pure and innocent soul who was already suffering more than him.

"I commit such a big sin....."

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