Gotta see it to believe it

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"The two were spotted on hike just a few days ago, yet their offical relationship status remains unclear", I read out loud off the phone in my hand where I had pulled up a few of the articles that had been written about me and Harry. He was rolling his eyes at me, previously having tried to stop me from reading any of this, now taking a bite of his omlette to seem unbothered. We were having breakfast in his kitchen, sitting opposite of each other at the table. My foot was resting on the edge of his chair, also to seem unbothered, while in fact my twisted ankle gave me almost as hard of a time as these self-proclaimed journalists.

"I don't know it looks pretty clear, what do you say?", I said, holding my phone up in his face so he could take a look at the photo that was attached to the article. It was showing the exact moment when Harry had picked me up to carry me back to the car. In the end, the picture looked more romantic than it actually was and still some people managed to create a false narrative about me hurting myself on purpose so I would get papped with Harry Styles. To tease him, and more so to mess with the situation, I stretched put my leg even more, so my foot was touching the inside of his thighs. "Did I misread something or am I still stuck in the friend zone?"

"Is this what dating you is like? You seducing me at the kitchen table?", Harry said, not responding to my question. I wouldn't necessarily say that I was trying to seduce him, I was rather joking, but I also didn't mind if he felt intrigued by my actions. I felt his strong grip around my ankle, that caused me to flinch because it hurt more than I expected and more that I wanted to show. I had somewhat tried to conceal the severity of the fall in front of Harry, because I didn't want him to worry and because my ego was a bruised as the foot, that Harry now gently placed on top of the tattoo on his thigh. "I don't know if I can handle that, Jessica."

"Oh so we ARE dating now?", I said with a smirk, before stuffing some of the omlette he had made me into my mouth as well. "The media seems unsure, but I can't blame them. That would mean that I, Jess Carter, somehow managed to tie down THE Harry Styles. No ones believes that."

"And that's what's bothering you?", Hary asked, raising his eyebrow. I knew he must have been sick of me always ranting about these things. He didn't care, he never, not once, looked at one of the articles written about us, which was a more healthy of dealing with it anyway. But I wasn't as strong as him yet, in that sense. I couldn't stop doing it, obsessing over each and every single detail they were supposedly uncovering.

"No, it bothers me that they are completely twisting our story", I said honestly, throwing my head back with a sigh. To the media and therefore to the general public, it looked like this had been my plan all along, that I tried to get with him ever since the first time we were photographed together after the table read. What all of them didn't know was that we had met years prior and that Harry helping me get down the hill hadn't been the first time he had helped me through something. "Seriously how often do we need to be spotted together till they'll realize that it's not just me chasing after you."

"We can write our own story", Harry said smiling, taking my phone out of my hand all of the sudden. It was still unlocked from showing him the photo in my browser. He was swiping from left to right and back, clicking on things that I tried to see what he was doing by leaning over, but he leaned backed, chuckling. I had nothing to be afraif of though, I wasn't hiding anything. The worst thing he could possibly uncover was Katie's and my chat history, but that wasn't nearly as exiting as the the things that were on his phone, I guessed.

His eyes were locked on my screen the entire time and only left to look up at me once, accompanied by a smile and my cheeks flushed red, because I assumed he had just realized that my background was a picture of the sunflowers he had gotten me on our last day of shooting. I had set it as my background right on the day that I took it, right on the day that we had gotten together, and I wasn't planning on changing probably ever again. Harry didn't leave me enough time to smile back at him however, since he was back to being deeply concentrated.

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