You can't blame me, darling

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"Let's move on to the last question", the lovely interviewer in front of us said a few days later on another one of our press appointment for The Little Mermaid. It had been just to three weeks since our movie had come out and it was already one of the highest-grossing movies of the year, yet Kelly still wanted us to promote it. I didn't mind though, especially when Harry accompanied me, like today. And since we were only filming for YouTube and not for TV, I wasn't as nervous as I was on Fallon. "Which one of you is most likely to randomly break out into a song on set?"

Since nine am we had been in the studio in downtown where Harry and I were sat in directors chairs in front of one massive camera, while the interviewer, the producers and Kelly were all watching us from the other side. We were currently playing a game of superlative, hence why we each had two cardboard cutouts of our faces in hour hands, which we occasionally lifted up to show them into the camera. In response to the interviewer's last question, we were surprisingly both holding up the same face, mine. "Ah I see you two are on the same page for once"

"For once yeah", Harry said, chuckling. For the previous nine questions we had anwered we had been in disagreement almost all of the time, but that was usually because we were trying to annoy each other, being sarcastic or simply having fun. This question was exceptionally fun mainly because being on the same page was something Harry and I have had a problem before. I was sure he had thought about that as well. What he said next though was something I did not expect. "She sings all the time, but like whispering thinking nobody would hear. And it's always those theatre songs that I don't know at all"

"Hey, not my problem. Educate yourself", I hissed jokingly, perhaps also to distract from the fact that Harry just said that he had heard me singing even when I thought that I was singing too quiet for anyone to hear. Sometimes I would walk around his house humming a melody. Occasionally a few words of the lyrics would slip out of my mouth, I never though that he noticed."But I have to agree, although people would be way happier if it was you singing one of your songs instead of me warbling When he sees me."

"I bet everyone would be happy either way", the interviewer said smiling at me from behind the camera. She had been incredibly nice throughout it whole interview, putting up with our shenanigans. And she did a great job at not making me feel second to Harry, which I wouldn't have minded anyway, but she probably knew that without me, Harry wouldn't grace their YouTube channel. "The best would probably be to have you two sing together, right? Are we gonna hear that more of that, now that you've performed together on Jimmy Fallon? Perhaps even in an original song?"

"Trust me, I've tried talking her into this, but she claims that she's not made for anything else than Broadway", Harry admitted without batting and eyelid and my mouth popped open in shock about how much he was telling her and the internet. The viwers were possibly gonna think that he was being sarcastic again, but he was being honest. Fallon was gonna be the first and only time we had sung together in front of an audience. Because even though I had enjoyed it, I enjoyed singing in his living room even more, where he could give me a kiss on the cheek without it being a headline the next day.

"I just don't want to ruin your incredible music!", I defended myself, although there may or may not have been more to it than just the fact that I felt like my voice wasn't suitable or worthy enough. It was a high risk, I was scared of judgment. I could already see the comments say that I was using Harry for fame and fortune, that I had slept my way up, that I had sexually manipulated him into singing with me, but hopefully my first explanation was enough. It seemed to have been enough for the interviewer, because she put her notes away and nooded at the camera man for him to stop the recording.

"Okay, then I'll just say thank you for the interview and thank you for participating in our little game", she said standing up from her chair, causing Harry and I to do the same. She stepped in front of the camera on the canvas, that functioned as both background and flooring for the video, and shook my hands first, then moved onto Harry's, in order to say goodbye to us. "We're gonna do a quick break and then shoot the photos for the cover next. My colleagues will be taking over from here, but it was already a great pleasure to have you two here."

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