Chapter 1

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A/N: This is on a Hogwarts weekend lmfao cuz I'm too lazy to write about classes. Hope you enjoy! 

"Kriff, Commander, how come every time we come with General Skywalker, something always goes wrong?"

Ahsoka and the clones around him snickered. They were all in an escape pod after the ship they used decided to give out on them. The five-oh-first were assigned to do a simple supply run to take a break from the frontlines but it seems like nothing was going to go right. Anakin had decided they would divide and conquer with the two-hundred-twelfth battalion so they could go back home faster. Everyone was in a hurry to have some relaxation for once.

During the evacuation, Ahsoka joined their group last minute to make sure the ship wouldn't crash on a random planet but instead float in space. They were supposed to be headed to The Negotiator, but their escape pod was now in the middle of crashing on a planet.

"Brace yourselves!" Ahsoka yelled over the commotion. The six people held on to each other and as they crashed, Ahsoka felt pain bloom on the back of her head before she slipped into unconsciousness.


"Kark it! This is no use." Fives kicked a rock as he stood up from the boulder he was sitting on. He shoved the broken comm somewhere in his kama and cursed some more.

The six of them got out of the escape pod safely with some bruises. The most concerning injury belonged to Ahsoka, who hit her head during the crash. Since she was a togruta, it knocked her out more than it would a regular human being and Kix was attending to her head under a tree. She was still unconscious, but her eyelids fluttered every now and then. Their comms were broken, meaning they couldn't contact Anakin, the five-oh-first, or even the two-hundred-twelfth. Kix and Ahsoka were currently under a tree, with Echo and Jesse were taking watch for any signs of danger. Rex was beside Fives trying to fix his own comm, the wreckage of the pod left behind.

Echo looked around in confusion. He saw trees and something that looked like a castle in the distance. "What planet is this?"

Jesse looked up and through his helmet and the words unidentifiable popped through. "Does anyone's bucket say where we landed?"

The four other clones shook their heads. Ahsoka stirred a bit but didn't wake up.

"How is she Kix?" Rex asked, turning his head over his shoulder to look at them.

"She's fine now, but she might have headaches and feel dizzy once in a while," Kix informed as he stood up, putting his tools back in his medkit.

Rex nodded. "Well, after she's done maybe we ca—"

The five of them suddenly whirled around. Their buckets picked up sounds of walking and the leaves were rustling louder than before.

"Protect the Commander!" the captain yelled as he put his bucket over his head, the jaig eyes clearly visible to anyone looking. They were already forming a defensive circle around her with blasters at the ready. Just then, they could see three people coming towards them.

"Are those sticks in their hands?" Fives snickered into the channel. He lowered his blasters a bit, seeing that there were no signs of danger.

"What would they use them for?" Echo asked, curious to know how that was a weapon.

The three people were all very different. One was an old wizened man who had a long beard. The woman on his right had a pointy hat and was wearing glasses and a green robe. The woman on his right was wearing pink. A whole lot of pink.

"The lady in pink needs to change her style," Jesse said. Echo and Kix snickered while Rex rolled his eyes.

"I think she's shorter than the Commander," Fives added. The channel was crackling as everyone chuckled.

The three people came to a stop a safe distance away from them but the lady wearing pink was still holding the stick up. The clones tensed, sensing that something was definitely going to happen. They were right.

"Expelliarmus!" the lady in pink shouted, her stick directed at the clones. Something red shot out of the stick and the clones' eyes widened in surprise. A snarl was heard from behind them and the spell was held in place, almost touching Echo. The clones turned around while the three people looked towards the tree and there was Ahsoka, hand outstretched, her face contorted in concentration. She flicked her wrist and sent the spell towards a tree, where it had no effect.

"Commander!" Kix's mouth opened and closed as helped Ahsoka walk over to the wear they were standing. The three people had identical faces of shock as they saw what a child just did. Only powerful witches and wizards could do wandless magic and the alien just stopped a spell with ease. And even the man called her a Commander, meaning she's fighting in a war. They didn't hear about any wars so far. Umbridge was already judging Ahsoka as a half-breed from her lekku and markings, although she didn't know what kind of person would give a child those characteristics. No one ever saw people with armor and blasters or with an alien with wandless magic.

"Don't you dare hurt them." Ahsoka growled as she stood in front of her men, her lightsaber handles in each hand.

"Why are you here?" the old man asked, his eyes flicking curiously from the togruta to the other men.

"We crash landed our pod," Ahsoka replied, careful not to reveal any information.

"What do you mean crash-landed?" The lady in pink asked haughtily. Ahsoka decided that she didn't like her; she seemed like a female version of Tarkin.

"We crash landed our pod," Ahsoka stated slowly, turning a bit confused. Anyone would understand what she just said.

"Where did you come from?" The lady in pink interjected.

The lady in the green robe threw a scowl at the other woman. The thing falling out of the sky would've been clearly visible to the naked eye. All the students in her Transfiguration class ran out of their seats to look outside the window.

"Enough of that Professor Umbridge," Dumbledore said, his attempt at calming Umbridge futile.

She was about to say something more until he added, "We'll let them stay at Hogwarts until they can get back on their feet." McGonagall and Umbridge looked shocked but quickly covered it up.

"But we don't even know where they coming from—"

"They will tell us in time," Dumbledore replied calmly.

The six others watched this and when they heard this, Rex opened his channel.

"Make sure you don't tell them anything. They don't seem to know anything about the war and it should stay like that."

"This is Professor Dumbledore," McGonagall stated, pointing to the man beside her. "I am Professor McGonagall, and that is Professor Umbridge. You may come with us." McGonagall told them.

Ahsoka was still tense as she stood in front of her men, but she turned around and formed a huddle with her men.

"Should we join them?" she whispered.

"We have nowhere to go," Kix stated. "And you still need a little rest after that hit."

Rex nodded. "We need to find materials to fix our comms to contact the generals."

"How long should we stay though?" Echo prompted. "We don't know what they want from us, and we also don't know anything about this planet."

Ahsoka's lips pursed. "The force feels strange here."

"Then we should stay until we can go back or until the others find us," Jesse said.

They all nodded in agreement and Ahsoka looked at the three waiting people.

"Lead the way."

A/N: This was one of my plot bunnies from a long time ago and I think it turned out just okay. I might edit some stuff after I post everything, so you can suggest stuff after I finish this fic!

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