Chapter 4

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After lunch, Ahsoka had spent some time fixing the comm. The clones all decided to take a little nap since they didn't get much sleep and three hours later, she was done.

"Guys! I fixed it!"

The clones started awake and rushed to her bed, the mattress giving way under all of their weight.

"Well? What are you waiting for?"

She turned it on and Anakin appeared. He looked at her and a smile broke across his face.

"Thank god Snips! We weren't sure where you landed and we couldn't track or contact you. Where are you? Are you okay? How are the men?"

Ahsoka giggled. "Slow down Master, we're fine. I'm not sure what planet we're on, but you can track this comm right now. We're in this castle right now; it's kinda like the Jedi Temple."

Anakin nodded slowly as he tracked their comm. It was quiet for a few seconds.

"We'll be there by tomorrow, so hang in there."

"Okay, master. Tell the others we said hi!"

"I will. See you tomorrow."

"You too."

Ahsoka closed the comm and gave it back to Rex.

"Anyone wanna spar?

The five other clones grinned.


They had moved their beds and table to take up as little space as possible. The clones were only in the blacks and everyone's weapons sat idly at their beds.

Ahsoka and Fives decided to go first. The fight consisted of powerful kicks and punches. In the end, Ahsoka won when Fives lost his concentration.

Next up was Echo and Jesse. Since Echo was an ARC Trooper, he was a bit more advanced than Jesse. In the end, he won due to his skill set, but Jesse came close to beating him. Rex had off-handedly complimented Jesse, saying that he would be a good ARC someday. The six of them continued to spar, and they didn't realize a crowd was forming at their doorway. The boys in the other rooms had heard punching and kicking and thought that a brawl was breaking out but this was much better than they expected. They never saw people fight so gracefully with such agility. The girls from the other side of the Gryffindor room had seen the crowd and came to watch. Professor McGonagall wondered why there was a crowd forming and when she saw the cause of it, she was astonished.

They had sparred for about an hour and a half now and Ahsoka looked to the door. Her eyes widened and the clones were shocked at the unexpected audience. The people realized they were caught and ran back to their rooms.

"Looks like we have some fans," Kix said.

"Ick, we're all sweaty." Echo said as he wiped his forehead.

"I'm taking a shower," Ahsoka said as she headed to the restroom.

The others agreed. Whatever resources they have now should be used since they might not ever have the chance of a good bath. Their previous rinse seemed like it never happened.


After everyone was done, they all decided to go explore the castle. They had asked McGonagall for permission and she granted them that, telling them about the places they couldn't go.

As they walked into the library, Ahsoka and Echo's eyes widened at the variety of books. They immediately decided to work together to find out about everything they could learn at that moment. This left Jesse, Fives, Kix, and Rex alone.

"Who knew our commander had a part of all of us in her emotions," Rex told them. She already showed how she was eager to learn like Echo and humorous like Fives. She had Rex's leadership skills and Jesse's dry humor. And she definitely inherited her protectiveness from Kix. They followed Ahsoka's shrieks and the librarian's shushing until they found the two of them in a mountain of books.

"Look!" she whispered. "These books are written in another language! Echo and I are gonna try to learn it."

Echo and the togruta shared smiles of glee while Fives and Jesse gave them a pointed look.

"Out of all the places we could've gone to, we had to go here?" Fives asked. They all sat at an empty table. The girls at the next table stole furtive glances at the clones.

"Look! That letter looks like 'a' in Aurabesh! It looks like they call it a 'k.' Our 'k' doesn't look anything like this one." Echo pointed out.

The rest of them weren't listening to the duo. Fives had a set of Sabacc cards contained in his armor, so he brought it along, and now the four others were playing.

"I'm going to get another book," Ahsoka told them as she stood from her seat between Echo and Fives.

When she was gone, three girls wearing black and green robes came up to them. One of them took Ahsoka's seat and Echo grimaced.

"Hi, I'm Rachel, this is Olivia, and this is Kristi."

Jesse, Fives, and Kix continued their game like they were not there. They only wanted to go back home to spend time with their brothers and prank other people, especially Fives and Ahsoka. They had created a whole list of people to prank, and their next victim was Mace Windu. And they weren't interested in long term relationships. After all, they were going to leave tomorrow.

"Umm, hi?" Echo replied. "That spot is for my friend, so can you move?"

Olivia rolled her eyes. "You mean that alien? What is she to you guys? Like she's not even the same species as you."

The other clones were offended. Rex was about to command them to move until the clones heard giggling from behind them. Their gazes turned to a bookshelf and there was Ahsoka, watching the whole interaction. She saw them look at her and gestured for them to come with her. Echo smiles as he cleaned up the books.

"Hey! Where are you going?!"

The others helped Echo stack the books and swept past the three girls, going to the spot where Ahsoka stood.

"I see you have some fans." Ahsoka quipped, echoing Kix's earlier statement. They laughed and before they headed out of the library, the three girls shot Ahsoka dirty looks. The fanged smile they got in return made them rethink their previous actions.

Whoever's names are Kristi, Olivia, or Rachel I'm sorry if I offended you in some way. And if you're in the Slytherin house :(

I bet you guys are really amazing people <3

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