Chapter 6

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Ahsoka knew from the start.

Of course she did. She heard their plan during dinner and told the clones. They decided that they would let them follow since she wanted to teach them a lesson. She could even sense three people following them through the force right now. And she decided to let them know. They were walking through the hallway to explore some more. They all turned a corner and Ahsoka gestured for all of them to stick to the wall so she could cloak them with the force. They heard footsteps around a corner but didn't see anything. But they definitely heard voices.

"Where are they?" Hermione asked.

Ahsoka flicked her wrist, pulling the cloak off. The trio made a surprised gasp.

"Did you do that?" Hermione questioned.

"No!" Ron answered.

"I thought that was you!" Harry added.

"Where are they?" Hermione repeated, looking around and seeing that their targets were out of sight.

"Maybe they were the ones to pull off the cloak," Ron suggested.

"Don't be dumb. We would've seen them. And besides, they don't have an invisibility cloak. There's only one in the world and it's this one right here." Harry answered.

Interesting. An invisibility cloak. Oh well, the force is better.

"But they're not here anymore," Ron said. "Room of Requirement?"

"They wouldn't be able to find that room that fast. They just got here!" Hermione answered.

"Commander, I think you let them see us now," Fives suggested in a whisper. She nodded and released the cloaking. The trio still hadn't seen them since their backs were facing them.

"I think you were looking for us?" Ahsoka asked nonchalantly, looking at her fingernails in boredom.

The trio froze and turned around slowly. They weren't there before, and now they were! Was there another invisibility cloak?

"What did you do? Were you the one who did that?" Hermione asked.

"Maybe, maybe not. Why do you want to know?" she answered, not revealing anything.

"We should've seen you then! Why couldn't we see you? Do you have an invisibility cloak?" Harry asked.

Jesse, Echo, Kix, and Fives snorted. It looks like the people here don't know what the Jedi are.

"What's so funny?"

Rex rolled his eyes. "Of course you couldn't see us. We have a Jedi with us."

Ron and Harry looked to Hermione for an explanation, but even she looked confused. "What's a Jedi?"

"Me." Ahsoka answered.


"Well, we can do this," she said, holding her hand out and lifting the invisibility cloak from the floor with ease. The trio gasped.

"You can do wandless magic!" Hermione exclaimed. She had never seen someone use wandless magic, and that was saying something. Dumbledore might be powerful, but he couldn't do it so easily without his wand.

"Magic? Pfft." Ahsoka chuckled. "It's called the force."

"What's the force?" Hermione asked. She was really curious to learn more but Rex was getting a bit concerned. In his head, if the people didn't know what something was, then they shouldn't really learn about it. After all, that's how he learned it when the war began.

"Commander, we should go now. They're even shiner then shinies; they'll keep us up all night by just asking questions," he whispered.

She nodded. But Hermione heard the words 'commander' and 'shiny.'

"You're a commander? What's a shiny? Why do you have to fight?"

Ahsoka now saw that she shouldn't have said anything in the first place. Luckily, the Kix was quick on the feet.

"Ahsoka, I still need to check your head from the hit this morning," he said, loud enough so all eight people could hear.

Ahsoka's eyes widened. Her head didn't hurt anymore, but she grabbed the lifeline Kix threw at her.

"Now that you're talking about it, I think my head does hurt a bit." Ahsoka replied as she rubbed her montrals in fake pain.

Hermione was thinking. She could learn more about the species if she was at their hospital wing. "Oh, you should go to Madam Pomfrey then. She can he-

"No, it's ok." Ahsoka quickly said. "I don't think she knows how this thing works, and I trust my men will take care of me."

"Oh okay then. We should all go back to the Gryffindor room together since we were heading that way anyway!" Hermione enthusiastically said.

Shit. That didn't work.


The whole way there, Ahsoka and the clones were bombarded by questions. Harry and Ron had told Hermione not to bug them too much but she couldn't help it. She wanted to learn!

Ahsoka tried to be patient, she really did. Luckily, right when she was about to tell her to please stop, a professor came. It was Professor McGonagall.

"Ms. Granger, what did I say about bothering the newcomers?"

"Not to disturb them," she replied.

"And what are you doing now?"

"Asking them questions."

"And why?"

"Because I want to know why they're here and what they are!"

McGonagall shook her head and pinched her nose, reminding the six others of Obi-Wan every time Anakin did something stupid. "They will be gone very soon, and you won't see them again. I don't think you need to learn about this."

Hermione looked down. "I understand."

"You may go. I have to talk to these three." McGonagall said, facing the six others. Ahsoka gave a respectful nod and walked towards her room. The clones followed.


"Holy, I'm flattered she wants to know about us, but that was too much," Ahsoka said as she flopped onto her bed.

The clones chuckled. "You're lucky Kix made up an excuse for you," Rex replied as he laid down on his bed. "Now we should sleep; tomorrow we're heading out and we might get thrown back to the frontlines."

As they each fell asleep one by one, they weren't sure what tomorrow would bring, but they were glad to know they were going home

Yeah, the next chapter is the end. I'm kinda glad cuz I'm not sure what I really want this to be about anymore lmfao. It was interesting in the beginning but when you start writing, the interest falls :(

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