Chapter 3

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By the time everyone finished, it was noon.

"Haven't felt this clean in a long time," Jesse sighed as he put his armor back on.

Dumbledore had stopped by minutes earlier to tell them that lunch would be served in the Great Hall. The clones decided to wear their armor but not bring their helmets since no Separatists were present, meaning that this would be the first time everyone saw the clones' faces.

"It's a war, what do you expect," Kix replied as he put on the last of his handguards.

"I don't even think they know there's a galactic war happening right now," Echo added. He and Ahsoka were sitting on their beds since they finished first. 

"I wonder what life is like without it." Fives speculated.

"We wouldn't exist," Rex answered.

Ahsoka stayed quiet as she heard the clones' opinions. She always tried her best to make them feel like their own individual since everyone else viewed them as unthinking droids.

"Without it, I wouldn't have you guys and life wouldn't be so interesting," she said to herself, not realizing she said that aloud.

When she looked up, all of them were staring at her. Did she say something?

"Is something wrong?" she questioned.

"Did you really mean that?" Kix asked.

They did hear her. "Yes, I meant every word I said."

The five others all had identical smiles of mournful pride. The war had brought them all together, but in the end, it might be the thing that drives them apart, killing them one by one.

Ahsoka smiled along. Then someone's stomach grumbled loudly. Echo rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.



As they arrived at the entrance at the doors of the Great Hall, all the students stopped talking to look at the newcomers. The girls swooned. The clones might have looked the same, but they were good-looking and the tattoos made them stand out. The boys, however, were much more curious at the identical faces. Why did they all look the same?

Dumbledore stood up from his seat. "Everyone, these are newcomers that would be staying at Hogwarts for a while. Make sure you don't disturb them and they would do the same to you."

He sat back down and Ahsoka gave him a smile and a grateful nod. She marveled at the sight of the tables and food, some wispy people flying around. Were they...force ghosts? She reached out, and her eyes widened at the strong current of the Force.

It was everywhere.

She could sense the clones' awe beside her as they gazed at the decorations and happy chatter atmosphere, soaking it in.

After all, this was probably the only time they would be here, and they couldn't let an opportunity go to waste. A few tables away, they could see students using their wands (if Ahsoka could remember correctly), the flick of their wrist producing all kinds of spells.

Chatters were much louder than before as they walked between the tables. They reached the Hufflepuff table, where there were clearly spaces for them at the end of the table closest to the teachers.

As they sat down, they didn't need words to communicate where each person would be sitting. Back at The Resolute, they would always have their own seats. One side would usually have Jesse, Ahsoka, and Echo and the other side would have Kix, Rex, and Fives. They did that exact same thing at Hogwarts.

They examined the food in front of them. As they each bit into their lunch, they realized that this was definitely better than GAR rations.

"So Commander, who's the guy that just said all that? He seems like the leader of this school." Jesse asked. He was still looking at the table, examining the different kinds of species. A giant? A dwarf? They were all so new.

"He's probably like Master Yoda to the Jedi," she answered as she chewed her food.

"They're both the grandmasters of their school then," Echo confirmed.

"The only difference is the age and species," Rex added.

"I think they might be the same age; that beard makes him look a lot older," Fives joked.

The six of them laughed and Rex smacked the back of Fives's head.

"Don't be rude." he chuckled. "He's giving us shelter until we find a way home."

Other people kept stealing glances at them and when they laughed out loud, they all wondered what they were talking about. Everyone was thinking about where they came from and why they look like that. 

The clones chatted for a bit, and Ahsoka quietly ate her lunch, listening to her surroundings. She then heard the word "half-breed."

She listened some more and realized that Umbridge was talking about her to another teacher, calling her the phrase, or in her words, "a dumb half breed." She stiffened and her grip on her fork loosened. The clones noticed this and looked at her in concern.

"Commander? Are you alright?" Kix asked, his voice hushed.

"Yeah, I'm fine." The others didn't look convinced. Shoot, she said that too fast.

"Little 'Un what is it?" Rex asked again. He was hoping that the nickname would help her open up to them. And it did.

"Just a little thing; it's okay," she answered, trying to nonchalantly eat her lunch.

"You can tell us you know." Echo said.

She finally relented. "The lady in pink behind me called me an ugly and stupid half-breed." she shrugged. "She then called me a slut for being surrounded by you guys," she chuckled.

They were all dangerously tense, fists clenched around their utensils.

She saw this and laughed at their protectiveness. "Watch this," she told them. They looked at her in confusion but watched. Ahsoka turned around and sent Umbridge a smile with her teeth, making her fangs elongate to the longest size possible. Umbridge's face paled significantly and looked away.

The clones laughed along with Ahsoka as they saw Umbridge's reaction.

"Our Commander can take care of herself." Jesse chortled.

"Unless it's me telling her to stay in the medbay," Kix said.

They proceeded to laugh some more.

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