Chapter 7

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Here we are at the end! 7 chapters like the lucky number in the Wizarding World was not intentional haha.

Ahsoka woke up to her master's happy presence and her grandmaster's calm one landing on Hogwarts. Her eyes snapped open and she jumped out of bed, waking up the others.

"He's here! C'mon guys, we got to go back to Coruscant and have a break! Let's go let's go!"

Rex chuckled. Even if Ahsoka and her master were apart for a day, they would always find a way to see each other.

"We're coming. Be patient!" Kix laughed.

As the clones kitted up, checking to make sure they had everything, they raced down the stairs, passing many students. The students had heard a loud rumbling and saw a small freighter ship, thinking it was a UFO since nobody knew there was life outside of Earth until now.

The students ran to the window and saw six people running straight towards the ship, with two professors following behind. The six people waited until the ramp opened. Out came three men; two of them were in robes of some kind and the other one had orange armor like the men that came to Hogwarts. The girl hugged the man in the black robes while the five other men went to the orange-armored one. This made them much more inquisitive to learn about them, but sadly, they were restrained by rules.

It's not fair! They look like they have interesting lives!

If only they knew what the newcomers actually did.



"Obi-Wan we're here!"

Obi-Wan had opened his eyes to immediately see Anakin's face in his personal space. He blinked once. Anakin backed away and went to the console, picking up the beeping device that he used to track down Ahsoka's location.

Commander Cody was sitting in the chair behind Obi-Wan's co-pilot seat, looking at the sight before them.

"Good morning sir, I hope you slept well," Cody said.

Obi-Wan nodded and waved. "Would've been fine if Anakin woke me up like a normal person."

Cody laughed and Anakin tossed him a smirk. "I learn from you, master."

Obi-Wan rolled his eyes and peered at the flashing blue and white lights of hyperspace. "Why did you wake me up if we're not there yet?"

"We are. We're arriving now." Anakin said right when they exited hyperspace to see an anonymous planet. "Is this planet in the Outer Rim? I don't recognize it from anywhere."

"Well, that's because you don't go to the Archives, unlike your Padawan who is happy to learn."

Anakin rolled his eyes. Then his brows furrowed together. "Wait a minute, is there no docking port here? Someone should be signaling us by now."

Cody's brows went to his hairline. "Maybe they don't know about the galactic war that's happening right now. After all, this is the Outer Rim."

Obi-Wan nodded slowly. "Yes, the commander might be right. Just try to follow the location of Ahsoka's comm and we should be fine."


People all over the world saw the news. A UFO of some kind was somewhere in the sky. It had flown by fast, but it was something that you don't see every day.


Anakin was having fun.

"Anakin slow down! We're gonna hit something!"

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