Winter/fall activity

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1. Sledding
2.Ice skating
3.Go to a haunted place
4. Pumpkin patch
5. Corn maze
6. Make/bake treats
7. Go to a circus/Countyfair
8. Go shopping
9. Treat yourself to a coffee, tea, hot chocolate from your favorite place!
10. Try out a winter sport- you can see what your school has or if their is anything nearby.
11. Scrapbook your year! The year is ending soon!
12. Curl up and watch a movie or read a book.
13. Decorate for Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, Yule, New year, ect. Whatever you celebrate!
14. Wrap presents.
15. Join a choir.
16. Go see a ballet or musical- probably can't do that at the moment with Corona. 🥺
17. Go on a carousel.
18. Go on a sleigh ride.
19. Go take holiday photos.
20. Go get dressed up and go to a fancy restaurant with your friends/Boyfriend/girlfriend.
21. Go to a petting zoo that has reindeer.
22. Visit a church.
23. Send holiday letters to friends/family.
24. Listen and dance to holiday music of your choice.
25. The holidays are the perfect time to tell your crush you like them. Maybe you'll even get a kiss under the mistletoe! ;)
26. Visit a animal shelter or elderly home or homeless shelter. Give back to others.
27. Have a little sleepover or party with a few friends.
28. Go tree hunting. If you celebrate Christmas.
29. Play with your dolls or stuffed animals. I personally like to brush my porcelain dolls hair it brings me back to Christmas as a child.
30. Have a bonfire.
31. Adopt a new pet. I know everyone can't get a pet but winter time is hard for animals in shelters so please if you plan to get a pet this winter try your local shelter.
32. Go window shopping.

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