The Letter (Intro)

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I sat and cried my eye's out while reading this letter , all the pain and hurt came back. all the happy memories i once had are just gone now , everything is gone and replaced with nothing. jus anger and sadness and little bit of blame, Blame ? 

Yes blame , i blame my self for everything that happened to me , allowing her to hurt me this much ,the tears I'm shedding right now ,letting myself love her when she doesn't deserve it, letting her cause this much pain in my life, and thinking she would ever be the mother i needed and wanted, In reality she just became the women i once knew when I was a child.

she wasn't there growing up , she was too busy with drugs and getting locked up. my mother wasn't anything to me beside a stranger every visit , every phone call, and every letter was always the same. Either she was asking me to help with her books, or she was telling me how much she hated me and wished she aborted me nothing fails with this women.

When my mother was on drugs and she was locked up, my aunt adopted me and took me in. She treated me like i was her own, i was happy I actually felt loved or I thought it was genuine love. i never had to ask for anything , i always got what I wanted. she always took me out with her to do whatever i use to love being there as a kid.

once I turned 16 , that's when everything changed. she thought it was time i learned what the real world was, she kicked me out and told me to figure it out. i never heard from her again , i end up living with a girl i thought was a my friend of mine.

Krystal was my best friend, we did everything together she was like a sister i didn't have. till one day her crush from our class tried asking me out, I turned him down. he told everyone i fucked him , and give him an STD. Krystal believed him just like everyone else did. when I got home that day she had burned all my stuff , and kicked me out. everything that happened to me that day had me fed up with everyone and their bs. i was so tired and just ready to give up i had so much anger in me, I let all the anger I had in me out on her.

it was like the two people i thought loved and cared about me the most , throw me away like a piece of trash. they didn't care if i didn't have anywhere to go, that's when i had to grow up and realize that even your own blood and friends can turn on you like your nothing. i learned to just stay to myself and keep my circle small.

I dropped out of school, got a job and started to work on my new normal. I saved up enough money to get apartment. after a few months of working I went back to school got my GED and started working on my life. 

Sorry for the mistakes

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