Chapter 1

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Kehlani POV

I was getting ready for another night at the club ,it's Friday so I know it was  gonna be packed. I knew tonight was gonna be a long night, i loved being a bartender don't get me wrong, the tips were good and the pay is somewhat good. sometimes i wish i had a different job or career because i knew this wasn't something i wanted to do forever.

I've always loved to sing , when i was little I would sing around my aunts house all day. I even sung in the church choir when I was 14, everyone always told me i had such a beautiful voice. no doubt i had a voice on me , but when life started getting hard i had to stop writing and get my life together.

I plan on starting back up with writing and recording , i know for a fact if I set my mind to it I can make it out of here. I honestly can't wait To work with artists like Beyoncé , Nicki Minaj ,mariah Carey , Janet Jackson , brandy , Keyshia Cole and more. i just need to save enough money for studio time , and get the ball rolling on my career. once I get that done, i can make my dream come true. everything takes times and patience is the key. 

I finished getting ready for tonight, I left out the bathroom and finished packing my duffel bag. I walked out my room , went downstairs to the garage, got in my car and left. it was a 20 minute drive to the club, I parked my car in my space and sat in the car for 10 minutes.

After a while of sitting in my car i finally got out , I walked up to the door and was greeted by Black the bouncer. "hey B how's it looking in there tonight?", he looked at me and then at the line. "not looking good for you, there are some rappers in there performing tonight" I was annoyed at this point  "so be ready to be a bottle girl , trina called off."

 i just rolled my eyes "figures" i walked inside , it never surprises me that trina is calling off. whenever we have a rapper coming she always does this, i always end up being the bottle girl for them it's anno-. I fell to the ground by what felt like a brick wall but was really a person ,"damn folks you gotta pay attention more" the brick wall helped me up. "sorry my mind was elsewhere" i picked up my phone and bag off the floor. "thanks for helping me up tho" I walked away before he could say anything, I made it  to the back and got changed.

"Alright y'all we got of one the hottest rapper here tonight" mike came in letting us know "ladies you know what to do , lani you're the bottle girl for them"I smacked my teeth I knew it. "get ready and get your ass out there" he walked out , I finished my makeup while the girls were talking. i wasn't Paying them any mind , i  got up and walked out to the bar. i seen my favorite co worker at the bar, I walked over to her.

"Hey boo why do you look sad?" her face changed once she seen me ,"girl i was starting to think you wasn't coming"I laughed at her. "i was not ready to deal with shit face and the cum rag twins tonight" I laughed so hard I was in tears. Meg was a funny girl , she had a mouth on her and she didn't give a fuck whose feelings she hurt. 

she was gonna say whatever was on her mind , that's why i loved her she was a real friend. over the years i started trusting her more and more."now you know i wouldn't do that to you" she smiled at me "but who's this rapper that's here?" She stopped making her drink and looked up at me.

"Oh bitch you can't be serious" I looked at her with a serious look " oh your serious, okay King Von" she stated "and when i tell you this man is fine I'm talking fine fine like lose it all fine , fuck around and get pregnant fine sloppy top-"

 I stopped her mid sentence, at this point she doing too damn much "girl shut up with your extra ass" i couldn't stop laughing at her. she was being dead serious too , she looked at me and laughed. "I'm being serious" I rolled my eyes playfully " yeah that's the problem." I laugh at her "let me go over there before mike come out here mad " she give me a nod.i walked to the other bar, I grabbed my stuff and walked to the section.

i bumped into somebody and dropped my tray and notepad ,"damn folks I'm starting to think you like a nigga." i looked up confused "who are you?" he looked at me for a minute "nobody" he sound so nonchalant  "im sorry for bumping into you" I looked at him for a minute, he was fine and dressed nice. "you know it's rude to stare at a person" he smirked at me, I rolled my eyes and walked away

I got to the vip section and started taking everyones order , a few of the groupies mugged me "who let this bitch in here" I heard one of them say. I rolled my eyes , I walked to the other side , started getting the others orders  "guess this my lucky night" i turned around and saw the guy from earlier smirking back at me i can tell this gonna be a long time.

Sorry for mistake

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