A Day Out

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[Y/n], Erica and Aaron ride out in a carriage, to go see the town.

As they pass by the bridge, Flounder is seen in the water below.

“Has she kissed him yet?”

“Not yet.” Sebastian replied.

“Ohh.” Flounder grumbled.

First they went on a little picnic, Aaron trying out every single dessert the girls brought along with them.

He seemed to like cupcakes very much as he got it all over his face.

The girls chuckled softly at him, and [Y/n] brought out her handkerchief

“Here.” She started wiping Aaron’s face off, then he grabbed her hand just as she was wiping his cheek, and the two pause and stare into each other’s eyes.

Erica watched this with raised eyebrows.

[Y/n] quickly took her hand back, and turned away from Aaron embarrassed.

[Y/n] turned to see some people riding horses and she turned to her sister.

“Hey sis, why don’t you two go horse riding together.” She said winking at her.

“Oh that’s a good idea, don’t you think?” Erica asked turning to Aaron who nodded, extremely excited to ride some horses.

“Alright let’s go. You coming with us [Y/n]?”

“Oh me? Oh no, I’ll just…stay here and pack up.”

“Okay, if you say so.” Erica turned to Aaron. “Lets go?”

They both got up and started heading to the horses. Erica paused and looked back at her sister to see her clenching her seashell necklace tightly, with a sad and broken look in her eyes.

Erica scrunched her face up in concern, but turned back to catch up with Aaron.

Aaron sat on the horse with Erica sitting behind him, her arms wrapped round through his waist, teaching him how to hold the reins.

Erica let’s go off the reins letting Aaron take it. Aaron whips the reins and the horse neighs and throws them off, making them land on a stack of hay.
They both burst out, laughing heartily.

“Yo, Flounder! Any kissing?” Scuttle asked flying ahead.

“No, not yet.” Flounder grumpily replied.

“Hmm. Well they better get cracking.”

Next the two sisters take Aaron to the town’s library, showing him lots of books with pictures of places around the world.

Aaron’s eyes light up, at all the amazing things he was seeing in those books.

Then they took him to the town square, where a group of people were dancing about.

Erica saw a bread store and walked to buy some bread leaving [Y/n] and Aaron by themselves.

The dancers suddenly formed a circle and then pulled Aaron and [Y/n] into it.

The two start dancing alongside the other dancers, Aaron finding it difficult at first but then getting the hang of it.

They all danced in rhythm to the music playing, all having a good time.

The dance finally started coming to an end, with [Y/n] twirling around happily, then coming to a stop in Aaron’s arms.

The crowd cheers at the end of the dance, the two teens oblivious to their cheers as they stared lovingly into each other’s eyes.

Erica came walking with her paper bag full of bread, but stopping when she saw the position her sister and Aaron were.

[Y/n] looked past Aaron to see her sister staring at them and she quickly jumped out of her best friend’s arms, her sister smiling softly at them both.

They both walked towards her.

“Having fun?” Erica asked smiling, Aaron nodded.

“Um…are we ready to go home now?” [Y/n] asked.

“Not quite, there’s still one more place I want to show you. If you want.” Aaron nodded excitedly.

The sky had turned dark and the three stood at the shore of a small stream, a boat in front of them.

Aaron and Erica climbed into the boat, and Erica turned to her sister.

“Aren’t you coming with us?” She asked.

“Not quite.” [Y/n] answered. “I think I’ve done enough third wheeling for today.”

Erica smiled, but then he smiled dropped and she looked solemnly at her sister.

“[Y/n] I…”

“Go get em tiger.” [Y/n] said and started walking backwards.

Erica watched her sister with sad eyes and turned to sit in the boat, Aaron rowing the boat deeper into the water.

[Y/n] sighed as she watched the boat fade away from her sight.

“You’re hurting.” She looked down to see a certain blue and yellow fish looking at her from the water.

“Oh hey Flounder.”

“You love him don’t you? Aaron.”
[Y/n] sighed

“Yeah. But I also love my sister too and I want to her to be happy. And if Aaron’s the one to make her happy, I’m fine with that.” She fought back the tears in her eyes.

“You’re a very nice and beautiful girl [Y/n], I’m sure someday you’ll meet someone who will truly love and take care of you.”

[Y/n] let out a small laugh.

“Thanks Flounder.” She wiped her eyes and straightened up.

“Anyways, I better get back to the castle. You keep an eye on them and make sure that kiss happens alright?”

She turned and walked away from the river, Flounder watching her go with sad eyes.

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